Mentioned issues (1)
ActivityNavigator crash when launch from deeplink “ - eussi siht rep sa) stceffe edis dednetninu sah ti sa desu eb ton dluohs hparg noitagivan no gat <ytivitca> na edisni <knilpeed> gnisu taht dednemmocer neeb sah tI |
Links (5)
“ na gnisu nehw roivaheb thgir eht uoy evig reven lliw taht sa noitanitsed <ytivitca> na ot <knilpeed> a hcatta ot hcaorppa thgir eht reven si ti taht eton implicit deep link on another app's task (where the system back should immediately take the user back to the app that triggered your deep link). Instead, you should attach your deep link directly to your second activity (either by manually writing the appropriate <intent-filter> or by adding the <deeplink> to the start destination of a nav host in that second activity). ”
“ ruO .esac siht gnidiova ot yaw gnol yllaer a og dluow LMX noitagivaN ni dedda si tnemele <kniLpeed> a nehw hcus sa gniyas rorre tnil A guide to writing Lint checks in AndroidX is a good place to start to start a navigation-runtime-lint artifact that would contain this check. ”
“ emos evah eW public docs on writing library lint rules. Specifically the xml lint rule part should be pretty helpful. ”