Bug P2
Status Update
ad...@google.com <ad...@google.com>
jl...@google.com <jl...@google.com> #2
Thanks for the issue. We've already fixed this for the upcoming Navigation 2.2.0-rc03.
Build: AI-203.6682.168.2031.7132434, 202102081947,
AI-203.6682.168.2031.7132434, JRE 11.0.8+10-b944.6842174x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v10.15.7, screens 1440.0x2560.0, 5120.0x2880.0; Retina
AS: Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 6; Kotlin plugin: 1.4.21-release-Studio4.2-1; Android Gradle Plugin: 7.0.0-alpha06; Gradle: 6.8.2;
When a
Composable contains a single emoji such as 🍌 the Studio layout inspector added in Arctic Fox alpha6 does not render it correctly, instead is shows some other unicode char.