Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
This would be a great feature. I'm doing a lot of benchmarking, and it would be great to be able to pin
to the top level of the view.
Would be great to have a possibility to provide a quick way (bookmark) to open the internal and external folder of the current application. I mean like /data/data/<package name>. And the possibility to bookmark additional own locations.
Something like switching Theme/Device in XML layouts would be completely fine.
Build: AI-203.7717.56.2031.7321754, 202104282310,
AI-203.7717.56.2031.7321754, JRE 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 2560.0x1440.0, 2560.0x1440.0
AS: Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 15; Kotlin plugin: 203-1.5.0-release-764-AS7717.8; Android Gradle Plugin: 4.2.1; Gradle: 7.0.2; Gradle JDK: version 11.0.10; NDK: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found); LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found, latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
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