Status Update
Comments <> #2
To troubleshoot the issue further, I have created a private ticket to provide some information about the issue (for which you should have received a notification). Please provide requested information there. Don't put any personal information, including project identifiers in this public ticket. <> #3
Thank you for your engagement regarding this issue. We haven’t heard back from you regarding this issue for sometime now. Hence, I'm going to close this issue which will no longer be monitored. However, if you have any new issues, Please don’t hesitate to create a new issue on the <> #4
I have tried latest Android S Preview from Android SDK Tools.
Tried Pixel 3, Pixel 4 XL, on both devices, cannot connect to the internet. Attached the Pixel 4 XL Screenshot. <> #5
30.7.3 is not available, and I don't have an update in Android Studio SDK tools preferences. <> #6 <> #7
I think we will need to update the stable version to 30.7.3. We have a tracking bug here ( <> #8
Sorry to hear that this blocks you. If you change the download channel from stable to canary, you will able to download 30.7.3. <> #9 <> #10
Meanwhile emulator 30.7.4 has become available in the canary channel, which seems to break all existing and new AVDs (on macOS 'Catalina' 10.15.7, AS 4.2.1).
The AVD initially launches, but shortly after disappears with the AVD managers saying: "The emulator process for AVD XXX was killed". This happens for any and every existing and newly created AVD.
Downgrading back to 30.6.5 makes all AVDs work again, except for those configured with Android S Beta 2: they don't have any network connectivity.
I would love to testdrive emulator 30.7.3, but how do I get my hands on it? <> #12
You can run the emulator from the command line with the following steps:
1. First, obtain the path to the Android SDK via going to Settings > Appearance and Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK and noting the "SDK Location".
2. Open a terminal, navigate to the SDK Location and also set the environment variable `ANDROID_SDK_ROOT` equal to the SDK location.
3. Run `emulator\emulator -avd <name-of-avd> -verbose -no-snapshot -show-kernel -wipe-data`. This will run a fresh version of the AVD with more logging so we can diagnose further.
- Are you an Android developer? Y
- Which Android Developer Preview build are you using? SPB2.210513.0087402661 and SPB2.210513.008
- Is this a regression from Android 11 to 12? No - it's a regression from Android 12 beta1 to beta2.
- What device are you using? all emulated device types.
- What are the steps to reproduce the problem?
(1) start a new emulator and observe.
(2) try toggling wifi manually (through settings) - observe state is not stored.
(3) see in notifications tray how there are no available networks and no internet connection.
- Issue Category e.g. Network (specifically wifi which is used in emulators)
- What was the expected result? emulator to be connected to wifi and have internet connection available.
- What was the actual result? emulator is never able to connect to wifi and have no internet connection.
- Link to captured Android bug report: