Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution. <> #3
Hello! Sorry to bring up this issue after almost a year but I wanted to add that we have chosen metric identifier as but autoscaling didnt work out for us either. It would be appraciated if you can guide us. <> #4
Hi, at the moment we are using the cpu_utilization/target_utilization attribute (in app.yaml) for autoscaling in the app engine flexible environment, however it would be great if we can have the way to mention the memory_utilization metrics as well to decide on the auto scaling. It will give us more control of the auto scaling the instances than now. <> #5
Hi, I do not see any memory metrics in neither console nor stackdriver. Is this connected to this issue?
When creating a policy with multiple conditions, multiple alerts trigger even when configuring the trigger to " All conditions are met" .
As per the public documents for scenarios with multiple alerts [1]:
" All conditions are met: When all conditions are met, then for each time series that results in a condition being met, the policy sends a notification and creates an incident. For example, if you have a policy with two conditions and each condition is monitoring one time series, then when the policy is triggered, you receive two notifications and you see two incidents." [1]
And " You can't configure Cloud Monitoring to create a single incident and send a single notification when the policy contains multiple conditions." [1]
It would be nice to have one single alert for all conditions rather than an alert for each condition.
- How this might work:
For a policy with and "AND" condition such as "All conditions are met even for different resources for each condition" and " All conditions are met" one single alert/notification should be triggered.
- If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
The current behavior implies that we have multiple policies while that is not the case. Also it is confusing to have multiple alerts for one policy.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
No workarounds.
- This feature request has been forwarded to the Cloud Monitoring product management team so that they may evaluate it. There is no timeline or implementation guarantee for feature requests. All communication regarding this feature request is to be done here.