Status Update
Comments <> #2
If this is a result of the fact that my string literal was i.e. "this is a text with trailing space "
you shoud consider adding \u0020
at the end of the text where the trailing spaces exist as shown in Google Search...
Add space in XML Android
Insert \u0020 directly in the XML for a blank you would like to preserve. Android doesn't support keeping the spaces at the end of the string in String. xml file so if you want space after string you need to use this unicode in between the words. It is a unicode space character. <> <> <> #3
A fix has been made and will be available in a future release of Android Studio.
Build: AI-211.7628.21.2111.7619903, 202108070024,
AI-211.7628.21.2111.7619903, JRE 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 1920.0x1080.0, 1920.0x1080.0, 1920.0x1080.0
AS: Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Canary 8; Kotlin plugin: 211-1.5.30-RC-release-328-AS7442.40; Android Gradle Plugin: 7.1.0-alpha08; Gradle: 7.2; Gradle JDK: version 11.0.10; NDK: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found); LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found, latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
IMPORTANT: Please read carefully and supply all required information.
When using extract string resource from rigth click menu, I sometimes see that the extracted string is including quoutes. Should it be like that ?