Status Update
Comments <> #2
The splash screen is dismissed as soon as the app is drawn and doesn't wait for the animation to finish which might be the reason why the animation doesn't repeat.
At most, the icon will animate for the value set in windowSplashScreenAnimationDuration
If that's not the case, can you please share your theme values and icon file? or at least a reproduction sample? <> <> #3
windowSplashScreenBackground is #fff and #000 for dark theme.
The animation duration of Animated Vector Drawable is 1600.
I might not be able to share the icon since it is the one we are going to use in production. Is there any working Animated Vector Drawable you can provide from your side for us to compare? Anything from unit test? <> #4
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #5
In the <objectAnimator
tag, you need the repeat*
<objectAnimator xmlns:android=""
android:repeatMode="reverse"/> <> #6 <> #7 <> #8
In that case, you'd need to manually make you application repeat using other ObjecAnimator. Since the splash screen is supposed to be short lived, an animation shouldn't need to be repeated.
If the loading time of your application is too high and require the use of some progress indicator, then I suggest to implement that in the app directly, ideally using skeletons loaders ( <> #9 <> #10
That's definitely something worth discussing internally, I've added it to the list of thing to consider for the next version. Thanks for your feedback. <> #11
FYI for anyone trying to get rid of the default splash screen that is completely forced in API 31+, you can set the style attributes to transparent and your splash screen theme as post theme, and force it to skip it entirely by triggering a UI draw.
Again we have to use hacks because Google devs thought that on top of making splash screen easier for us, they should also prevent us from opting out for no good reason whatsoever.
It is very sad to see Android app development being forced to become just web apps basically. Generic splash screen, limited functionalities, and so on.. Might just as well turn our apps into web apps and abandon this field of software development. <> #12 <> #13 <> #14 <> #15 <> #16
<item name="android:windowSplashScreenBehavior" tools:targetApi="33">icon_preferred</item> <> #17 <> #18
"For someone who had issues, I solved it by doing:
<item name="android:windowSplashScreenBehavior" tools:targetApi="33">icon_preferred</item>
Worked for 33 (Thanks) but not sure if how fix this issue versions below.
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha01
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android 12
When launching the app from the launcher without the task being in memory the splash displays with the correct icon shown. When launching from the launcher or a notification intent with the app still in memory no splash displays which is desired. However, when launching from a notification intent when there is no existing app task in memory, the splash screen displays but the icon doesn't. This is similar to the behaviour described in
In my case the notification intent has no flags set and the activity the intent directs to also has no flags set, specifies the splash screen theme, and handles the splash screen installation.