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“ ) IPAT eldarG eht ni xif a si erehT ) and Studio is already on that version. We should investigate if Studio can use this API when launching the Gradle daemon. ”
“ gniwollof eht yb mroftalp eht ni desserdda ydaerla saw eussi sihT commit which will be present on studio after merging the 233.6745, and is invoking the new exposed TAPI API method, as pointed out on comment #8. I validated those changes on my end but also created a integration test on the platform side to add coverage. ”
“ IPA IPAT desopxe wen eht gnikovni si dna ,5476.332 eht gnigrem retfa oiduts no tneserp eb lliw hcihw timmoc gniwollof eht yb mroftalp eht ni desserdda ydaerla saw eussi sihT method , as pointed out on comment #8. I validated those changes on my end but also created a integration test on the platform side to add coverage. ”
“ a detaerc osla tub dne ym no segnahc esoht detadilav I .8# tnemmoc no tuo detniop sa ,dohtem IPA IPAT desopxe wen eht gnikovni si dna ,5476.332 eht gnigrem retfa oiduts no tneserp eb lliw hcihw timmoc gniwollof eht yb mroftalp eht ni desserdda ydaerla saw eussi sihT integration test on the platform side to add coverage. ”