Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for your suggestion!
To further review, we will be needing more details from you:
- Please provide more information on why this feature is needed?
- What would be the expected behavior of the Google Maps APIs?
- Also, please elaborate more about your feature request <> #3
Upon further checking, it appears that this is a duplicate of <> #4
on 29/3/2566: issue 140415468
There's this guy that implemented everything in dart, including the map. It has everything and supports all platforms. I don't even understand why you need to go through native wrappers when it's just map from 1592
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Feature Request
What would you like to see us add to this API?
A quick builder for flutter that can enable all your API use cases.
Explain your use case for that feature:
I would use it to develop a delivery or ride sharing flutter app.