Status Update
al...@google.com <al...@google.com>
ca...@google.com <ca...@google.com> #2
Can you please share the code of your activity?
If you are using AppCompat, you might need to call installSplashScreen
before super.onCreate()
sj...@googlemail.com <sj...@googlemail.com> #3
Yes, I'm using AppCompatActivity. What you suggested for calling the func before the super call seemed to work. Thanks. Tested on API 21, 28 & 31
ca...@google.com <ca...@google.com> #4
I'm glad it work! Thanks for the update.
Component used: core-splashscreen Version used: 1.0.0-alpha02 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: 21, 28
For a single activity project, the postSplashScreenTheme is not applied after the splash screen is finished. This causes the styles to stay the same and the background image to persist behind the fragments on early API versions and on 31 it causes a darken background colour that's not in the theme.
Is the splash screen not compatible with Single Activity projects? Opening other activities seem to be fine with their themes.
installSplashScreen is applied before setContentView