Status Update
Comments <> #2
How can I fix? <> #3
I don't know of any fix yet. It seems to be a serious issue, though. The Pixel 6 of a friend of me reached 37 GB! That's absolutely nuts! Remember. The System Storage value is showing how many memory space is allocated for the system and the system apps. That's it. It shouldn't GROW over time, unless there are major system updates (which there weren't)!
I fear to have to clean install the build again to temporarily fix it. But that's nothing permanent.
And Google can't seriously expect users to factory reset or clean install the build every few weeks. This needs to be the number one priority for Google right now if it's not just a visual bug (which I doubt, because I already had storage problems where I couldn't install a bug update of an app anymore!)...
Please, Google! Look into this! Try to find a permanent fix!
I fear to have to clean install the build again to temporarily fix it. But that's nothing permanent.
And Google can't seriously expect users to factory reset or clean install the build every few weeks. This needs to be the number one priority for Google right now if it's not just a visual bug (which I doubt, because I already had storage problems where I couldn't install a bug update of an app anymore!)...
Please, Google! Look into this! Try to find a permanent fix! <> <> #4
It looks like you are raising an issue as an Android user, rather than an Android Open Source Developer. Our Android Support team will be in contact with you shortly. In the meantime, here are helpful resources: <> #5
Some people on Twitter told me this isn't a Memory Leak. But what is it then? What makes the System Storage get filled up automatically over time? <> #6
Please visit the Pixel community forum where Product Experts may be able to assist you further: . We are marking this public bug status as "Duplicate" as it will be duplicative of the feedback you provide via the suggested channel. We will no longer provide responses or updates on this bug, but rather will investigate further based on the feedback you submit. <> #7
@6 Google, can you please tell me the status of the duplicate that you mentioned? The urgency to fix this bug is more than important. It should be the highest priority for you guys right now! <> #8
Has this been fixed finally in Beta 2? We really need to know, Google! it can't be that some people have over 50 GB(!!) of system storage taken by the phone! <> #9
@Google I think this bug hasn't been fixed in Beta 2 of Android 12L yet...
I keep seeing my system storage growing...
I keep seeing my system storage growing... <> #10
Is it normal to have that much GB used system storage for a 64 GB device, Google? NO! <> #11
It's now at > 27 GB used... <> #12
It's now at 29 GB! I only have 6% storage left, overall!! Please fix this asap, Google!! <> #15
It looks like this issue might FINALLY be fixed in DP2 of Android 13! I will watch for any system storage changes again and report again! <> #17
My internal storage is now at 91GB on a 128GB phone, I'm having the same problem and I'm so frustrated!! I've cleared everything I can possible delete or backup wtf <> #18
@ comment#17 Which phone and what OS version? 💀 <> #19
@ comment#18 it's a Google pixel 6 but idk what OS number, I don't know how to fix it pls help <> #20
@ comment#18 it's fully up to date I had an update last night <> #21
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@ comment#20 Thanks for confirming my worst fear... I think a recent update reintroduced this major storage bug, because I'm very sure it was fixed shortly after A13 stable came out to public.
So there are only 2 possibilities.
1. Either Google never actually fixed this bug and it persisted quietly on my phone when I thought it was fixed.
2. Or Google reintroduced the bug in a recent update (more likely imo).
Either way, I'm deeply disappointed that Google didn't fix the bug for good yet...
So there are only 2 possibilities.
1. Either Google never actually fixed this bug and it persisted quietly on my phone when I thought it was fixed.
2. Or Google reintroduced the bug in a recent update (more likely imo).
Either way, I'm deeply disappointed that Google didn't fix the bug for good yet... <> #23
@ comment#20 Ok, I just double checked with my friend who has a Pixel 6 as well. He's currently on the latest public beta and his system storage is at only 8.5 GB!
So, in all honesty, maybe the bug was fixed a few builds back. But your system storage was already too large. I would recommend you to try the beta (it's almost stable btw!) and watch your system storage size with eagle eyes for the next 2 weeks. If the size doesn't increase, then great! It's probably fixed. But if it also doesn't decrease, then you will need to factory reset your phone! But make sure to backup everything important for you in before!
Good luck! And let me know how it went, will ya? :)
So, in all honesty, maybe the bug was fixed a few builds back. But your system storage was already too large. I would recommend you to try the beta (it's almost stable btw!) and watch your system storage size with eagle eyes for the next 2 weeks. If the size doesn't increase, then great! It's probably fixed. But if it also doesn't decrease, then you will need to factory reset your phone! But make sure to backup everything important for you in before!
Good luck! And let me know how it went, will ya? :)
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