Status Update
Comments <> <> <> <> <> <> #2 <> #3
Hey, thanks for the feedback! There's a couple of things we're working on at the moment to try and help this out, both to reduce the amount of code required to implement common designs, and to provide a better Kotlin API.
We've recently released the first alpha of
We're also building up a Material component library for Tiles (androidx.wear.tiles:tiles-material), and just released the first alpha version yesterday. It's still using Builders throughout, but it aims to provide consistent Wear Material components for Tiles, so should also reduce some of the code needed to build up Tiles.
It's still very early days on both projects, but it'd be great to get initial feedback on these projects too!
While testing my health app on wear os with wear os emulator, i need to move the slider of heart rate virtual sensors constantly to generate heart rate synthetic data.
It would be great to have further inputable options to indicate a time series function to generate synthetic data automatically, so that I don't need to move the slider constantly.
The Inputable options can be (1.) timelaps e.g. 300ms or 1000ms to indicate how offen heart rate onchange event shall be fired. (2.) combination of functions e.g 100bpm * sin(x), or 100bpm as constant function, or autoregressive function e.g 100bpm * (sin(x) - sin(x-1))
Another alternative would be just to let us plugin a kotlin or java or javascript function with index of the timelaps as input and function values dependent on input index.
In this way the wear os emulator can simulate the slider value change based on user inputed time series function to generate synthetic data constantly. This would be really a great feature.
I am also open to have this continuous synthetic data generation in wear os v3 health service, but i think it would be rather better to have this in the emulator for virtual sensor.
Please let me know if you have further question regarding this feature request.