Status Update
al...@google.com <al...@google.com>
ca...@google.com <ca...@google.com> #2
The splash screen is dismissed as soon as the app is drawn and doesn't wait for the animation to finish which might be the reason why the animation doesn't repeat.
At most, the icon will animate for the value set in windowSplashScreenAnimationDuration
If that's not the case, can you please share your theme values and icon file? or at least a reproduction sample?
ca...@google.com <ca...@google.com>
li...@gmail.com <li...@gmail.com> #3
windowSplashScreenAnimationDuration is set 10000.
windowSplashScreenBackground is #fff and #000 for dark theme.
The animation duration of Animated Vector Drawable is 1600.
I might not be able to share the icon since it is the one we are going to use in production. Is there any working Animated Vector Drawable you can provide from your side for us to compare? Anything from unit test?
windowSplashScreenBackground is #fff and #000 for dark theme.
The animation duration of Animated Vector Drawable is 1600.
I might not be able to share the icon since it is the one we are going to use in production. Is there any working Animated Vector Drawable you can provide from your side for us to compare? Anything from unit test?
Component used:androidx.core:core-splashscreen Version used:1.0.0-alpha02 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Emulator / Pixel 3XL with Android 12.
Trying to migrate to the splashscreen library but I cant get the documentation and the seemingly intended functionality to make sense.
I define the splash theme and declare it as the theme in the application manifest. My app has multiple entry points based on notification clicks, widget interactions, etc. Placing the call to
in only the launcher activity makes the app crash whenever a different activity is launched instead, either from external sources (widget, notifications) or if navigating to a different activity within the app:The only way I've found to make the splash screen API work is if I add a call to
in every activity's onCreate() methods throughout the app.I presume that's not the intended behavior but I'm not sure how else it's supposed to work?