Status Update
Comments <> #2
This bug is still present in Beta 2 of 12L. <> #3
I have just checked, and I only get this bug fully when I have dark theme activated. It's also bugged in light theme. But less heavily. PLEASE FIX THIS ALREADY! <> #5
Still reproducible in Beta 4. <> <> <> #6
We appreciate your help! In order to better investigate your report please submit feedback by following the instructions here: . We'll investigate your report and use the information you provide to improve Android. We are marking this public bug status as "Duplicate" as it will be duplicative of the feedback you provide via the suggested channel. We will no longer provide responses or updates on this bug, but rather will investigate further based on the feedback you submit.
What steps would let us observe this issue?
1. Open YouTube.
2. Play a video.
3. Go the the comment section.
4. Start writing a comment.
5. Select the text of your comment by either: Long pressing on a word and than swiping to the other words you want to select; or: By double tapping on a word.
6. Alternative method would be to just long press on an empty chat field in YouTube as if you wanted to past something.
What did you expect to happen?
I expected the selected text to show as selected and therefore easily to edit. I also expected the options for "copy, delete, cut" etc. to appear.
What actually happened?
The selected text was not shown as selected. Instead it was blocked by a huge black field that covered all of my text (the black field was smaller when there was no text). The options for "copy, delete, cut" etc. did appear.
How often has this happened?
Every time
What was the effect of this issue on your device usage, such as lost time or work?
Additional comments
This is also happening in Android 11 since over half a year now. It would be great if you could finally address this bug, Google!
Related apps
Android Beta Feedback
Version 143693 (2.20-betterbug.external_20210805_RC02)
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Debugging information
Google Play services
Version 213314053 (21.33.14 (190400-395723304))
System App (Updated)
Android System WebView
Version 457708233 (93.0.4577.82)
System App (Updated)
Here you go!
Hopefully you'll find the fix for this. It's driving me nuts since over 5 months now! :(