Status Update
Comments <> <> #3
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #4
The issue has been fixed and it will be available in a future build. <> #5
This is not fixed in Android 13 beta 1 <> #6
Not fix on Android 13 beta 4 on Pixel 6 Pro and Nova Launcher newest beta that supports Launcher 3.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
Please for gods sake fix this. Still issue on latest A14 beta. <> #8
Still not fixed on latest Android release April 2024 (Pixel 7).
Steps to reproduce
Enable Gesture navigation
Install and set a 3rd party launcher as default
Open an activity that has windowIsTranslucent set such as this APK I developed for another bug report:
Swipe to return to the launcher
Note that during the transition, the desktop flickers. This is not desirable and does not happen when using the system launcher and does not happen on Android 12
For 3rd party launcher you can use any launcher on the Play Store such as Nova Launcher or a build of Launcher3 such as the one I have created here:
* Are you an Android developer?" (Y/N)
* Which Android Developer Preview build are you using? See Settings > About phone > Build number (for example SPB5.210812.002).
* Is this a regression from Android 12 to 13?
* What OEM Device & model are you using?
Pixel 4
* Issue Category e.g. Framework (platform), NDK (platform), Hardware (CPU, GPU, Sensor, Camera), ART (platform), Runtime Permissions, etc
Gesture Navigation (Framework Launcher3 SystemUI)
* What was the expected result?
The desktop should not disappear and reappear during the animation, it should be smooth
* Can you provide the API document where this expected behavior is explained?
* What was the actual result?
The desktop disappears and reappears during the animation
* Relevant logcat output.
* Link to captured Android bug report (shared privately in Drive.)
* Optional: Link to any screenshot(s) that demonstrate the issue (shared privately in Drive.)