Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
The artifact missed the 1.1 beta launch. Now it's scheduled for 1.2 in a later release. <> #3
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #4
Thank you Integrated it already, looks nice =)
CameraX libraries were updated to 1.1.0-beta03, and in the changelog it is indicated that there is an MLKit integration, which makes it easier to decode stuff. Checking the diff , we can see that a new MlKitAnalyzer has been added (and is a public class).
Yet, 1.1.0-beta03 libraries doesn't seem to have this class packaged in as Android Studio is unable to find the class. I even tried importing library "" as this class could be packaged in a different dependency but this dependency also doesn't work and is nowhere to be found in the repositories (such as or mvnrepository).
Anyone know where is the MlKitAnalyzer class?
Thank you