Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion!
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Please add the feature of filtering out the results of Places Nearby Search API using arrival time.
We want to offer estimated pricing for some lots here in Mexico, our models take into account the amount of places like restaurants, schools, etc. that are less than 15 minutes away from a specified lot. Since our price estimation models take into account that data, we need them. Let's say we have 20 restaurants that are at most 10km away, however there are some restaurants that would take 40 minutes to get there while there would be others that would take 15 minutes, we'd like to only count the ones that fit the 15 minute threshold. We provide an address to be geocoded by the Geocoding API, after that we send the coordinates to NearbySearch with a tag for a specific kind of place and the time constraint I mentioned.
Thank you!