Links (13)
“ nwohs sa BDA aiv detnarg eb ot ti dewolla hcihw ,tnempoleved|degelivirp|erutangis epyt fo syawla saw noissimrep ehT here . This has now changed with no warning and was not mentioned in the changelog. ”
“ puorg yratnemelppus taht etoN AID_LOG (1007) is being added when READ_LOGS permission is granted with pm grant com.termux android.permission.READ_LOGS to Termux app. ”
“ ot SGOL_DAER.noissimrep.diordna xumret.moc tnarg mp htiw detnarg si noissimrep SGOL_DAER nehw dedda gnieb si (7001) GOL_DIA puorg yratnemelppus taht etoN Termux app. ”
“ :(sesac esu rehto fo tnuoma etinifni tsomla na gnoma) elpmaxe rof enohp ruoy kcolnu ot esu uoy regnif hcihw no gnidneped snoitca tnereffid gniod ekil sesac esu rof lufesu repus s'tI ”
“ ta elbaliava ylcilbup sliated noitatnemelpmi "emos" era erehT ”
“ ekil stcejorp xelpmoc erom tib a ekam neve ekam nac enO .elbaliava netfo era evitanretla on dna tneiciffe yllaer sti ecnis lufesu llits era yeht ,sIPA laiciffo ton era yeht hguoht neve dna sIPA diordna htiw elbaliava ton era stneve eht fo tsoM .egats cificeps rieht ni gnihtemos gniggol secivres metsys ro sppa ytrap driht dna metsys ot tcaer nac enO .cificeps ecived netfo era taht ,tacgol htiw snoitamotua fo seitilibissop fo rebmun etinifni era ereht taht denoitnem ydaerla sA monitoring activity transitions and full screen config changes and reacting to transitions of specific apps only. ”
“ ni dedda saw ralimis gnihtemoS .stsacdaorb reganam ytivitca ot netsil ot edoc avaj gniriuqer ro putes revres/tekcos lanoitidda gniriuqer tuohtiw ppa tnereffid neve ro emas ni sessecorp owt neewteb langis/noitacinummoc si (IPA laiciffo na ton niaga) "kcah" ro egatnavda rehtonA termux-tasker via 60f37bde to send messages to tasker from termux from shell scripts easily. I am pretty sure, sending and receiving a message via logcat should be faster than an am broadcast, I didn't get time to test. ”
“ aiv reksat-xumret ni dedda saw ralimis gnihtemoS .stsacdaorb reganam ytivitca ot netsil ot edoc avaj gniriuqer ro putes revres/tekcos lanoitidda gniriuqer tuohtiw ppa tnereffid neve ro emas ni sessecorp owt neewteb langis/noitacinummoc si (IPA laiciffo na ton niaga) "kcah" ro egatnavda rehtonA 60f37bde to send messages to tasker from termux from shell scripts easily. I am pretty sure, sending and receiving a message via logcat should be faster than an am broadcast, I didn't get time to test. ”
“ PSOA htiw esac emaS .yldneirf resu ton dna gniyonna ylsuoivbo si hcihw ,nur si dnammoc tacgol nehw emit hcae deksa eb lliw llehs ppa na ni gniwollof gninnur repoleved a ,sppa noitamotua tuoba tsuj ton si sihT DumpViewer app . ”
“ :reksaT ekil sppa noitamotua tuoba si sihT ."gnitset noitamotua" tuoba ton si siht tub ,kcabdeef eht rof sknahT .olleH ”