Status Update
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Android build
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. PPP5.180610.010)
Device used -- Device Make, Model, Android OS Version
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Please provide a sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/bug-report#bugreportdevice
Screen record of the issue
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file:
adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
Attach the file to this issue.
Capture the issue in a screenshot
Press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously. The image will appear in the picture gallery. Attach the screenshot image to this issue.
Note: Please avoid uploading directly to the issue using attachments. Please upload to google drive and share the folder to android-bugreport@google.com, then share the link here.
Android build
Which Android build are you using? (e.g. PPP5.180610.010)
Device used -- Device Make, Model, Android OS Version
Which device did you use to reproduce this issue?
Please provide a sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Screen record of the issue
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file:
adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
Attach the file to this issue.
Capture the issue in a screenshot
Press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously. The image will appear in the picture gallery. Attach the screenshot image to this issue.
Note: Please avoid uploading directly to the issue using attachments. Please upload to google drive and share the folder to android-bugreport@google.com, then share the link here.
sg...@gmail.com <sg...@gmail.com> #3
Details are as below.
Android OS- Android 12(API31)
Device: Pixel 3a emulator.
Adding screenshot and screen record as below.
Android OS- Android 12(API31)
Device: Pixel 3a emulator.
Adding screenshot and screen record as below.
sg...@gmail.com <sg...@gmail.com> #4
Steps to reproduce the issue;
1)Open the app--> click on recent button --> screen details are visible.
2)then press back button --> then click on recent button again, Screen gets white out and details on it are hidden.
3)again open the app from recents and click on recent button again, details on screen are visible.
1)Open the app--> click on recent button --> screen details are visible.
2)then press back button --> then click on recent button again, Screen gets white out and details on it are hidden.
3)again open the app from recents and click on recent button again, details on screen are visible.
pu...@gmail.com <pu...@gmail.com> #5
Fraud. As I've stated no one at all was given permissions to change my phone or my home. No vendor, no employer, no one.
sg...@gmail.com <sg...@gmail.com> #7
Hi ,
Please find he attached AAB and apk files of sample app as below.
Please find he attached AAB and apk files of sample app as below.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #8
We’ve shared this with our product and engineering teams and will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #9
We would like to inform you that the current design is working as intended. There is no guarantee the activity will be paused when entering recents, for this case the activity is still resumed. You may try some apps like Youtube and/or Camera to see the difference from R to S.
du...@gmail.com <du...@gmail.com> #10
Any solution? I have the same problem, In android 12 and above. My app didn't trigger the onPause event when the user pressed the Recent App button. Everything is OK with android 11 and below. I use React Native for my app, and My MainActivity extends from ReactActivity.
Thank you!
Thank you!
fl...@gmail.com <fl...@gmail.com> #11
"Status: Won't Fix (Intended Behavior)
We would like to inform you that the current design is working as intended. There is no guarantee the activity will be paused when entering recents, for this case the activity is still resumed. You may try some apps like Youtube and/or Camera to see the difference from R to S."
Please, can you link the official documentation that describe this behavior?
We would like to inform you that the current design is working as intended. There is no guarantee the activity will be paused when entering recents, for this case the activity is still resumed. You may try some apps like Youtube and/or Camera to see the difference from R to S."
Please, can you link the official documentation that describe this behavior?
ko...@gmail.com <ko...@gmail.com> #12
#9, Could you give link to the official documentation reg the above behavior that onPause would not be called immediately. A link to an official documentation would help us to communicate with our client and bring a closure to the Bug on our end.
ko...@gmail.com <ko...@gmail.com> #13
#9 Hi please share official documentation where we can found this critical changes! I have the same issue that my app is not triggering onPause() when it on recents screens, but it was on Android < 11, and I need to understand how to replace this current behavior with the old one
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #14
We have forwarded your queries to our engineering teams and will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #15
There isn't specific documentation for this because it's mainly an implementation issue and was not guaranteed across all devices. Our recommendation is to not rely on any signals of the user going into overview (the user should not see any changes to the app when in overview), and instead respond to the normal lifecycle changes when the user navigates away from overview.
ge...@gmail.com <ge...@gmail.com> #16
The official Android documentation says otherwise. See https://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities/intro-activities
"The system calls onPause() when the activity loses focus and enters a Paused state. This state occurs when, for example, the user taps the Back or Recents button."
Thus, according to Android's own documentation, tapping the Recents button should cause onPause() to be called. If this is no longer the intended behavior, the documentation should be updated accordingly.
"The system calls onPause() when the activity loses focus and enters a Paused state. This state occurs when, for example, the user taps the Back or Recents button."
Thus, according to Android's own documentation, tapping the Recents button should cause onPause() to be called. If this is no longer the intended behavior, the documentation should be updated accordingly.
On the devices below android 12 OS version , screen is getting whiteout as onPause() is called after clicking recent button directly.If app opened from recents then app comes foreground.
On Android 12, If I click the recent button directly onPause() is not called but if I click Home Button and then clicked on the app in recents that time onPause() is called and if clicked on the app , it comes foreground.Checked with some apps which uses the same to hid the details, same behaviour is found.