Links (4)
“ timmoc siht yb desuac ekips ezis elif xed eht tuo derugif I .tcejorp eht no yrt dna elipmoc ,edoc ruoy tuo dekcehC ”
“ ) evissergga erom eb ot degnahc saw ezimitpotnod- fo ecneserp ni 8R fo roivaheb eht ,0.3 8R nI .dednetni sa gnikrow eb ot smees siht kool tsrif a morF Do not interpret -dontoptimize as a global keep rule , Fix interpretation of -dontoptimize with -dontobfuscate). We backtracked on this in R8 3.1 with the above commit you correctly identified. ”
“ ,elur peek labolg a sa ezimitpotnod- terpretni ton oD) evissergga erom eb ot degnahc saw ezimitpotnod- fo ecneserp ni 8R fo roivaheb eht ,0.3 8R nI .dednetni sa gnikrow eb ot smees siht kool tsrif a morF Fix interpretation of -dontoptimize with -dontobfuscate ). We backtracked on this in R8 3.1 with the above commit you correctly identified. ”
“ )"txt.ezimitpo-diordna-draugorp" gnisu sdnemmocer elgooG sA .eussi eht xif ot smees "txt.ezimitpo-diordna-draugorp" gniylppA
.denoitnem uoy stimmoc owt eht yb desuac ylno ton si ekips ezis xed eht ekil kooL ), we will work on migrating to use "proguard-android-optimize.txt". ”