Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> <> <> #3
It basically renders the IDE unusable for day-to-day development, since it triggers quite quickly, and all code completion and syntax highlighting is broken after it happens. Restarting the IDE seems to improve things a bit, but only clear caches and restart seems to completely get it back to normal (until it triggers again)
Attached a new log from shortly after it happens in EE Beta 1. Trigger seemed to be the same - went to extract a method, nothing happened, and then the IDE is broken <> #4
I talked to reporter offline. This is a regression in EE, we should investigate.
Matthew, can you please take a look at the idea.log? I've only seen issues around
class androidx.fragment.lint.OnCreateDialogIncorrectCallbackDetector$UastHandler tried to access protected method 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtClassOrObject
but I'm not sure if that's related. <> #5
I did just tried to extract a function with Live Edit on with ToT and it seems fine.
edit: Also, Live Edit would not have been enabled for EE beta. I think this message is coming from Fast Preview. <> #6
I'm back using Dolphin at the moment, but if another log from EE or F would be useful I can try to see if it triggers again? <> #7 <> #8
The stack trace that looks most relevant is this one:
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractableAnalysisUtilKt.createTemporaryDeclaration(extractableAnalysisUtil.kt:379)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractorUtilKt$generateDeclaration$2.invoke(extractorUtil.kt:464)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractorUtilKt.generateDeclaration(extractorUtil.kt:664)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractorUtilKt.generateDeclaration$default(extractorUtil.kt:451)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractableAnalysisUtilKt.validate(extractableAnalysisUtil.kt:850)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractableAnalysisUtilKt.validate$default(extractableAnalysisUtil.kt:838)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractionEngineHelper.validate(ExtractionEngine.kt:33)
at org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.refactoring.introduce.extractionEngine.ExtractionEngine$run$3$validateAndRefactor$$inlined$nonBlocking$
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.NonBlockingReadActionImpl$Submission.insideReadAction(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.NonBlockingReadActionImpl$Submission.lambda$attemptComputation$3(
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.tryRunReadAction(
...which unfortunately is coming from the Kotlin IDE plugin. I do not see any upstream YouTrack issues for this, and so far I do not understand the root cause.
There are also some earlier exceptions about missing files in the Gradle cache, but I'm not sure yet if they are related:
2022-10-10 16:54:30,069 [ 169764] SEVERE - #o.j.k.t.e.ExpressionTypingVisitor - Exception while analyzing expression at (35,17) in ~/citymapper/sdk-internal/android/time-date-picker-ui/components/src/main/kotlin/com/citymapper/sdk/ui/timedatepicker/components/TimeDateSpinnerState.kt
org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Exception while analyzing expression at (35,17) in ~/citymapper/sdk-internal/android/time-date-picker-ui/components/src/main/kotlin/com/citymapper/sdk/ui/timedatepicker/components/TimeDateSpinnerState.kt
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not read file: ~/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/ca02ef65710739fadaa13e3a21e420d6/transformed/ui-1.2.1/jars/classes.jar!/androidx/compose/ui/platform/AndroidClipboardManager_androidKt.class; size in bytes: 6944; file type: CLASS
Caused by: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ~/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/ca02ef65710739fadaa13e3a21e420d6/transformed/ui-1.2.1/jars/classes.jar
... <> #9
Some more notes: we've been seeing PsiInvalidElementAccessException
or an assertion error.
This suggests that ExtractableAnalysisUtilKt.createTemporaryDeclaration
may be operating on invalid PSI. One potential cause is that: ExtractionEngine
does various work inside background NonBlockingReadActions
, and does not appear to check PSI element validity when entering / restarting the read actions. So it is plausible that there could be user edits during the refactoring which invalidate the PSI it is operating on. And indeed, the
afterwards I notice that syntax and error highlighting ends up pretty broken too
This part is much more concerning to me. I am unsure how the ExtractionEngine
exception could cause this. Perhaps the exception is a symptom of some different cause indeed. <> #10
Is there a particular Android project you can share for which this issue is reproducible? <> #11
and then upon opening a second project in a new window the issue immediately triggered.
Upon closing the other project the extraction suddenly goes ahead (even if other things have happened in the meantime)
I just verified the same happens on a different machine with two completely different Android projects
- Open one project -> extract method works fine
- Open a second project -> extract method hangs until the second project is closed <> #12
Thanks! I found a corresponding upstream bug report:
: Extract function refactoring does not start until I close another project KTIJ-22637
I will investigate whether the fix can be backported to Electric Eel / Flamingo. <> #13
Quite surprisingly, the root cause is partially in the Android plugin rather than the Kotlin plugin.
In the process of extracting a method, Kotlin makes temporary edits in a LightVirtualFile, apparently using it as scratch space. This happens inside a NonBlockingReadAction, which means that the process is restarted if it is interrupted by a write action. Unfortunately, after AndroidFileChangeListener
triggers a write action, which cancels and restarts the NonBlockingReadAction. Then the process repeats indefinitely. I've attached the relevant stacktraces.
JetBrains recently submitted a fix (workaround?) AndroidFileChangeListener
to ignore LightVirtualFiles. I've prepared a cherry-pick at <> #14
We can probably be more selective to avoid triggering a write action for files that are guaranteed to not affect resource repositories. The write action is there to make sure that file changes affecting resource repositories that are currently being loaded are received by these repositories. Resource repository loading happens inside a read action, so a write action is required to achieve mutual exclusion. This synchronization scheme has very deep roots and is pretty hard to change. <> #15
This issue will be fixed by Change I95180ce4c in Electric Eel RC 1.
Trying to extract a method in EE fails does nothing. Afterwards, a few other things are broken too like showing the right click menu.
1. Try to extract some code into a method
Studio Build: EE Canary 8
Version of Gradle Plugin:
Version of Gradle: 7.4.2
Version of Java: 11
OS: Mac OS
Project is using Kotlin 1.6.10, the bundled Kotlin plugin version is 221-1.7.0-release-for-android-studio-AS5591.52