Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Also crashes in R8 version 8.5.35, 8.6.17, 8.7.2-dev <> #3
You cannot apply keep rules for classes synthesized by R8, but if you keep the implemented interfaces, the merging should not happen.
That said, checking the implementing class of a lambda might not be a good idea. The specification for java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory
Capture may involve allocation of a new function object, or may return a suitable existing function object. The identity of a function object produced by capture is unpredictable, and therefore identity-sensitive operations (such as reference equality, object locking, and System.identityHashCode()) may produce different results in different implementations, or even upon different invocations in the same implementation.
If I understand this correctly the only guarantee is that the function object implements the interface(s) specified. <> #4 <> #5
Not sure what the use case is here. However, if you want the interfaces to stay as is you will have to have a -keep
rule for them. One option to handle this without adding a rule for each interface could be to annotate them and add a single rule for all interfaces annotated by that annotation. <> #6 <> #7 <> #8 <> #9
Also, is there a way to disable this optimization only for my classes? Or can I only remove all optimizations via -keep, allowobfuscation, allowshrinking class_names
? <> #10
Branch: main
commit ccfe5ff0d44034c39187c5c2656503549a614934
Author: Christoffer Adamsen <>
Date: Wed Aug 07 08:41:16 2024
Test Map with class const keys
Change-Id: Icb32bf21030c7800c409ba5e4279dc2bdee05cb4
A src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/classmerging/horizontal/ <> #11
Branch: main
commit f5c7414f6891c90f375215f6e3e84db42435f0f6
Author: Christoffer Adamsen <>
Date: Wed Aug 07 10:47:18 2024
Disable synthetic sharing of synthetics with vertically merged sources
Change-Id: I9cc17b10095c5a74f3f142217b5f4c6a4de37f09
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/
A src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/synthesis/
M src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/verticalclassmerging/
M src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/classmerging/horizontal/ <> #12 <> #13
Phoenix is losing its June 2017 Gen 4 coverage right now even though it wasn't made part of the 9/10/2021 update. This is not good. <> #14 <> #15 <> #16 <> #17
I'm still awaiting confirmation. Is the lost data being processed? <> #18 <> #19 <> #20 <> #21
(Replying to
However, I still do want to ask the folks at Google: exactly how long is it going to take to revive the data? <> #22 <> #23
Attached here is an example screenshot of Japan's first Gen 1 coverage, since the link leading to that imagery recently had its pano IDs expired. This one is dated February 2008. <> #24
Alright... I seem to have described it incorrectly. Let me start over this time. Ahem... well, you see, the 9/10/2021 Street View data provided very important updates to roads that were heavily outdated and in poor quality (a notable example of this is a stretch of SR-2 in the Angeles National Forest, which was stuck in 2009 Gen 2-quality photos for years before it later gained Gen 4-quality photos from 2017), as well as to add additional coverage and provide more historical records for research. For these reasons, the unexplained removal should have NEVER happened. I mean, the imagery shouldn't be that problematic to Google. <> #25 <> #26
(Replying to <> #27 <> #28
Attached here are some example screenshots of Gen 3 imagery released in September 2021 in the US. Several also existed in other countries, but they are not included here since the imagery no longer exists and I did not keep any links with me before the imagery was removed on March 1. <> #29
Attached here are some example screenshots of Gen 4 imagery released in September 2021, in the Bay Area. <> #30
Attached here are some example screenshots of Gen 4 imagery released in September 2021, in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. <> #31
Attached here are some example screenshots of Gen 4 imagery released in September 2021, in the Houston area. <> #32
Attached here are a few example screenshots of Gen 4 imagery released in September 2021, in Los Angeles. <> #33
Attached here are a few example screenshots of Gen 4 imagery released in September 2021, in Miami. <> #34
Attached here are a few example screenshots of Gen 4 imagery released in September 2021, in the Orlando area. <> #35 <> #36
[Replying to <> #37
[Writing to the assignee] I'm still awaiting an update. Without the 9/10/2021 Street View data, some roads and areas will continue to lack new (and especially updated) coverage and there will not be enough historical records for research. <> #38 <> #39
(Replying to <> #40
Now a bigger problem: after one year of their release, the 9/10/2021 Street View data is no longer accessible through the API, which Google Maps utilizes. The imagery's pano IDs are to blame because they expired. So, if the data were to be rereleased, they would need to have different pano IDs since the numbers for imagery are randomized. <> #41 <> #42 <> #43
(Replying to
- In the US the update included a mixture of Gen 3 and Gen 4 imagery from the past — most notably the addition of more Gen 4 content from 2017, in which the year had captures between the months of March and September. If you were looking at Salt Lake City, you may have also witnessed Gen 3 content from 2020.
- In Japan, the update brought back the country’s first Gen 1 coverage, which had been largely absent since 2012.
- The update also added captures done with a third-party camera system in an area of Bangladesh. It was the same camera system used to update parts of Alaska in 2019.
- A small number of rural areas in Germany also saw new coverage in the update.
You can refer to the screenshots I attached on this issue for further reference. <> #44
Adding on to my previous comment, if you click on the links leading to the 9/10/2021 data on <> #45 <> #46
(Replying to <> #47
Alright, I’m beginning to suspect that insufficient densities could be a probable reason to why the whole data got removed in March. However, it didn’t just apply to this particular update, but some countries in Africa and Europe may have also faced the same fate in terms of coverage. And that’s probably why Vietnam lost its Google-contributed Street View data at the time of the update. <> #48
The 9/10/2021 Street View release data still remains inaccessible. Isn’t there supposed to be a status update here? <> #49 <> #50
Augh, misunderstood again! Ahem... well, you see, there is a feature in Maps that allows you to view historical captures of the same road, which they call the Time Machine. In Street View where it’s available, click on the capture date on the top-right corner, and you’ll see a timeline of captures, starting from the oldest (2007) to the latest (this year). That’s where the data is missing.
To say this once more, if you click on the links in <> #51
Unfortunately, this is taking too long. The data remains largely absent, and if it's unlikely to happen then I don't know what else to say. The data... to be honest, it's really important to me. :( <> #52
na...@gmail, I want to make sure you understand. Do you recall the 10/8/2020 update? It was released to address data accuracy issue in some California and Texas cities and divisions because of which, in my opinion, updates were blocked due to elevated privacy concerns and all imagery was limited to a maximum capture date of June 2017 or January 2018. Those concerns have since de-escalated during the course of the pandemic (probably as a result of mandatory lockdowns), and the update was released to allow all future data to roll out and ensure information accuracy. For these reasons, the 9/10/2021 update is closely related to that update, and unlike it, data from the 10/8/2020 update didn't get deleted afterwards. And because the 9/10/2021 update was intended to provide more historical records for research and provide quality updates to some existing coverage, data from that update should have also not been deleted in the first place. <> #53 <> #54
(Replying to
If you click on the capture date on the top-right corner while viewing Street View on desktop Maps, a timeline of historical captures appears. On mobile Maps, when viewing Street View, you tap 'See more dates' under the street name to access the 'Time Machine', and a similar timeline appears. If you've never used this feature, you probably do not have any experience in historical imagery. <> #55 <> #56
Quoting from
Well, then, why not take a look at this yourself: <> #57
” our Play Kits and Playthings are Montessori-inspired
WARNING: Please DO NOT close this as a duplicate of issue 214122362 . This issue does NOT deal entirely with other Gen 4 images; it concerns with imagery from around the world that was released on September 10, 2021, regardless of camera generation. I repeat, DO NOT CLOSE!
It was recently sought according to issue 232516758 that the threshold value for published Street View content has been increased from 10 to 20, which fixed some areas impacted by the ‘broken coverage’ bug introduced in September 2021. However, this does not mean that the issue has been fully resolved. Ever since March 1, a large swath of Street View released on 9/10/2021 was suddenly removed. This really disappoints me because there have been many roads that needed feature or quality updates after many years.
Let's look at some examples. Japan saw the return of 'blurry' Gen 1 imagery, after many years of being absent ( ). Second, some German towns received new or slightly updated coverage, mainly in Gen 2 quality (screenshot attached). Third, in many areas of the US, more past imagery arrived, either in Gen 3 or Gen 4 quality (e.g., , ). And finally, Dhaka, Bangladesh got updated with pictures from 2021, mainly captured with a third-party camera system.
Unfortunately, however, they did not last long, as in March 2022 these and other past images packed from the 9/10/2021 update disappeared for no apparent reason, and they have not returned since May. Recovery is strongly appreciated.
WARNING: Please DO NOT close this as a duplicate of issue 214122362 . This issue does NOT deal entirely with other Gen 4 images; it concerns with imagery from around the world that was released on September 10, 2021, regardless of camera generation. I repeat, DO NOT CLOSE!