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“ )[()ataDfixEdda] a sah tI .elbats ro lla ta noitulos mret-gnol a si bil taht rehtehw gniyrrow si osla ti hcus sA .sraey lareves ni lla ta setadpu on htiw ,esaeler ahpla ni llits nosaer emos rof s'ti tub , elbaliava si bil xdiordna retirwfieH eht fo trap sa retirWfieH .segami FIEH ot fixE dda ot yaw ysae on yltnerruc si erehT,%20byte[],%20int,%20int) ) method, but it expects correctly formatted raw bytes, and there's no example nor even a sample test case in AOSP on how to use this properly. Exif is also highly esoteric and so it's not easy to decipher both how that lib will apply the data and how to correctly write Exif bytes at all. It also seems strange to not support HEIF writing directly in ExifInterface as well since it's been several years since Android 9.0. ”