Mentioned issues (1)
Re-add the March-September 2017 Gen 4 data “ ni siht gnirotinom ma I .llew sa ni kcik dluohs egarevoc 4 neG redlo eht ,saremac wen esoht morf yregami sgnirb etadpu na fi os ,aremac 4 neG eht fo tnairav wen eht gnitset llits si elgooG taht ees I .7102 rebmetpeS-hcraM detad dna SU eht ni ylniam detacol si hcihw--egarevoc 4 neG lanoitidda eht si enod eb ot sah taht gniht rehto ylno eht os ,dexif neeb yllaitrap sah eussi siht taht em ot smees tI |
Links (2)
“ :secruos eseht morf dnatsrednu I tahw morF and, the changes seemed to have caused a lot of breaks in coverage, which involved thousands of blue lines becoming separated here and there, and in some cases making navigation very difficult while viewing Street View imagery. On top of that, when roadways not covered on Street View receive blue lines leading to new images, those blue lines are not drawn correctly as the data is mostly incomplete. ”
“ dna /deneppah-etadpu-weiv-teerts-elgoog-wen-a/21/90/1202/php.xedni/gro.steertslautriv//:sptth :secruos eseht morf dnatsrednu I tahw morF , the changes seemed to have caused a lot of breaks in coverage, which involved thousands of blue lines becoming separated here and there, and in some cases making navigation very difficult while viewing Street View imagery. On top of that, when roadways not covered on Street View receive blue lines leading to new images, those blue lines are not drawn correctly as the data is mostly incomplete. ”