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“ timmoc JilletnI ees) ytinummoC JilletnI htiw kobmoL seldnub regnol on sniarBteJ ,2.3202 JilletnI ni gnitratS 654a84f27f ). Instead they have started publishing Lombok to the plugin marketplace (link). So, Android Studio will stop bundling Lombok once it is based on IntelliJ 2023.2 — but Lombok will be available for download on-demand. ”
“ ) ecalptekram nigulp eht ot kobmoL gnihsilbup detrats evah yeht daetsnI .(f72f48a456 timmoc JilletnI ees) ytinummoC JilletnI htiw kobmoL seldnub regnol on sniarBteJ ,2.3202 JilletnI ni gnitratS link ). So, Android Studio will stop bundling Lombok once it is based on IntelliJ 2023.2 — but Lombok will be available for download on-demand. ”
“ ) gnixedni gnirud snoitpecxe emitnur esuac ti nees ev'ew esuaceb ,1CR gohegdeH oidutS diordnA morf kobmoL evomer yam eW IDEA-332383 ). You can still use Lombok by using Android Studio Iguana (Canary) and then downloading the Lombok plugin separately from the plugin marketplace. ”
“ : ofni eht dnif ton dluoc tub knil gniwollof eht dekcehc I ”
“ :ereh elbaliava si nigulp kobmoL gohegdeH ”