Status Update
Comments <> #2
Could you share you cloudflare config ? Disabled always use HTTPS ? Created WAF rule to allow certificate renewal ?
No update yet.
Could you share you cloudflare config ? Disabled always use HTTPS ? Created WAF rule to allow certificate renewal ?
Please describe your requested enhancement. Good feature requests will solve common problems or enable new use cases.
What you would like to accomplish:
Client mentions that currently GCP monitoring metrics only support data drift/training-serving skew during prediction.
They would like to have the following monitoring metrics via the GCP UI:
Feature drift:
-Variable stability index (VSI)
-Descriptive statistics of each feature
Model score drift:
-Population stability index (PSI)
-Descriptive statistics of model score
Model performance for binary classification:
-K-S Statistic
-False Positive Rate
-False Negative Rate
-Confusion matrix
-ROC curve
-Gains chart
-Lift chart
-Decile analysis table
Model performance for regression:
-NMAE (normalized MAE)
-MSLE (mean square logarithm error)
-RMSLE (root mean square logarithm error).
How this might work:
In the UI customer would like to have a monitoring service which take input a dataset with features, model scores and SME’s labels, and output the aforementioned metrics.
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient: