Status Update
Comments <> #2
I think what happened is that the SQL SELECT statement that the console creates is wrong. And the Preview uses cached results. And the query also uses cached results. And between all of it, it conspires to be incredibly confusing.
You need to do three things: 1/ add a warning to the Preview that the results are from cache, 2/ add a label to the query window that the results are from cache, 3/ fix the SQL template to use the correct first-of-the-month value for the partition filter.
You need to do three things: 1/ add a warning to the Preview that the results are from cache, 2/ add a label to the query window that the results are from cache, 3/ fix the SQL template to use the correct first-of-the-month value for the partition filter. <> #3
Still having problems today.
info: Acme.Sigma.Features.Financial.FinancialCommandsImpl[0]
BigQuery: acme-capricorn-sigma.financials_us_east1.Things: AllRowsInserted: 1
Rows that are inserted via the .NET SDK (as logged above) are not coming up in simple SQL queries on that table, see below. <> #4
Here's the query
`acme-capricorn-sigma.financials_us_east1.Things` AS Inv
DATE(Inv._PARTITIONTIME) = "2023-02-01";
There is no data to display. <> #5
After waiting literally hours, it now appears. So we have a number of problems all conspiring to create a UX nightmare for anyone using this product. <> <> #6
Can you confirm whether your issue is resolved or not? <> #7
Since you have not confirmed whether the issue is resolved or not, I'm going to mark this thread as infeasible.
If this issue is still happening, please raise a new thread referencing this one with all the details required.
"There is no data to display" is returned when running a simple SELECT query of all data in a table with newly inserted data which shows in the Preview.
What you expected to happen:
The contents of the table to display.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a table with MONTH partitioning and force queries to include the part filter.
Insert a row via the .NET SDK.
Preview the table and see the data.
Run a very simple query to return all the data, include the partition filter.
Observe no results.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
See the StackOverflow question. I've tried everything. Any data I add doesn't show up in a real query but does show up in Preview so long as I DELETE the table and recreate it and re insert the data.
Both the Preview and the actual Query results are totally whacky and CANNOT BE TRUSTED.
I must reiterate BigQuery as a product CANNOT BE TRUSTED to return correct results.