Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
For clarity, it seems you have reported this issue from an end user's perspective. Please confirm?
Expected output
What is the expected output?
Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue )
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Alternate method Navigate to “Developer options”, ensure “USB debugging” is enabled, then enable “Bug report shortcut”. Capture bug report by holding the power
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to <> #3
The expected output is that the context action menu will display all the intended icons, which it doesn't when first created if German is set as the app or OS language.
ADB provides no usable information that I can see. But in case I have missed something, here is a link to a logcat of the bug in action:
Also, in case it is useful, here is a link to the downstream bug report: <> #4
Could you please provide steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample apk? <> #5
We are unable to find the downstream bug report. Please provide a bug report followed by the steps provided in <> #6
1. Open the options menu and select Bookmarks.
2. Use the bottom FAB to create three bookmarks.
3. Use the top FAB to open the Bookmarks Activity.
4. Select the middle bookmark. Verify that three icons are populated in the Context Action Menu (Move Up, Move Down, Options Overflow).
5. Deselect the bookmark and change the app or OS language to German.
6. Select the bookmark again. Only two Context Action Menu icons will be populated (Move Up and Options Overflow).
Here is a video showing the steps necessary to replicate the issue with the APK from <> #8
We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
This problem also only manifests on certain versions of Android. For example, the bug manifests on a Nexus 6P running Oreo (8.0.0 and 8.1.0), a Pixel 2 XL running Android 9 (security patch 2019-01-05, but not the original Android 9 release on the Pixel 2 XL), and a Pixel 5 running Android 13. It does not affect a Nexus 10 running Lolipop (5.1.1).
The symptom of the problem is that some of the context action menu actions that should be displayed as icons are not displayed when the context action menu is first created, but they are displayed if the context action menu is modified after initial display.
Here is a link to a video that demonstrates the behavior:
On this device, in portrait mode, thee icons should be displayed in the context action menu (two plus overflow menu). In landscape mode, five icons should be displayed (four plus overflow menu).
The video starts in the German language. One bookmark is selected. Only two icon are shown in the context action menu. *Bug*
Two bookmarks are then selected. Three icons are then displayed. *Correct*
The second bookmark is then deselected, leaving the original bookmark selected. Three icons are displayed. *Correct*
The context action menu is then dismissed and restarted by selecting one bookmark. Two icons are displayed. *Bug*
The screen is then rotated to landscape. Five icons are displayed. *Correct*
The screen is then rotated back to portrait. Three icons are displayed. *Correct*
The screen is then rotated to landscape and the context action menu is dismissed and restarted by selecting one bookmark. Three icons are displayed. *Bug*
A second bookmark is selected and deselected. Five icons are displayed. *Correct*
The language is then changed from German to English. Bookmarks are selected and the context action menu is correctly populated in portrait and landscape, showing that the bug does not manifest if the language is English (or any other language besides German that I have tested).
This buggy behavior can be verified by using the following APK:
Open the bookmarks drawer from the options menu. Add several bookmarks. Then open the *bookmarks activity* using the top floating action menu inside the bookmarks drawer.
The context action menu is populated using this XML file:
The code that populates the context action menu is in this file: