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Upon further evaluation, this is a valid feature request. We have already created an internal request regarding this one.
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I have a website which displays maps using the Google Maps API, and users can select which map to display using a control. However some of the map tiles used are from OpenStreetMap, and for these I'd like to set the correct attribution in the bottom right hand corner of the map.
When a user selects to display an ordinary Google map showing part of Spain then it shows "Map Data ©2023 Inst. Geogr. Nacional" and when a Satellite map it shows "Map Data ©2023 Inst. Geogr. Nacional Imagery ©2023 TerraMetrics". However, when an OpenStreetMap map is shown the text is simply "Image may be subject to copyright". I'd like to change this to the proper OSM attribution eg "© OpenStreetMap contributors".
I think that this could work by extending the ImageMapType class, by either having an additional property "attribution" or callback getAttribution(). It would be important to be able to include a link, so the attribution should allow HTML rather than just a string. I assume that the Google Maps functionality would use this attribution only if it didn't already know which attribution to use - ie it would use this only if it was going to output "Image may be subject to copyright". In that case it could eg call getAttribution() and use the snippet of html returned instead.