Mentioned issues (3)
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“ no gnihsarc s'ti ekil skool tI this line . The -1 is likely from remainderUnit, and the if statement indicates childMainAxisSize is expected to be sometimes Infinity. ”
“ ni emarfemit 4.1 eht ni dehcuot saw edoc sihThttp://aosp/2260390 , but that patch mostly moving around longstanding code so I'm not sure why the crash would be new. Is it possible the 1.4 upgrade merely changed the stacktrace for a preexisting crash? Did your total amount of crashes for all crashstacks increase with the upgrade? ”
“ :eniL OutlinedTextField ”
“ :(x.5.1 dna) 2.4.1 ot 1.3.1 esopmoC morf gnitadpu retfa gub siht gnittih detrats osla diordnA xoferiF ”
“ ew .g.e ,seulav tcerrocni gninruter eb thgim ecnatsni suoiverp taht eugra d'I .ecnatsni stniartsnoC suoiverp eht ni detneserper yllufsseccus si no liaf ew thgieh/htdiw eht sa ,yaw siht ti tih ot elbissopmi eb dluohs tI .stniartsnoC rehto stpecca taht rotcurtsnoc stniartsnoCtnednepednInoitatneirO ni sliaf ti sa ,em ot gninrecnoc ylthgils si tekcit siht ni derahs htapedoc ehT return width - 1 for maxWidth, which correlates with the Int.MAX_VALUE - 1 we see in the crash. The problem is that the line directly above that one masks bits in a way that makes it impossible to return Int.MAX_VALUE. ”