Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Hi! There's a known issue (we're working on it) regarding lint providing an IDE inspection for BoM dependencies. In the meantime, you should be able to get notification of BoM dependency updates from the Project Structure Dialog, such as in the attached screenshot. <> #3
We've now merged a fix for this in Lint which should be available in a forthcoming Android Studio Iguana Canary release. Thanks once again for the report. <> #4
Thank you for your patience while our engineering team worked to resolve this issue. A fix for this issue is now available in:
- Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 17
- Android Gradle Plugin 8.3.0-alpha17
We encourage you to try the latest update.
If you notice further issues or have questions, please file a new bug report.
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback — we really appreciate it!
I had api ( platform(""))
Newest version is apparently 32.1.0, but Android Studio does not give any indications that new versions have been available for a long time!
Build: AI-222.4459.24.2221.9862592, 202303311419,
AI-222.4459.24.2221.9862592, JRE 17.0.6+0-17.0.6b802.4-9586694x64 JetBrains s.r.o., OS Mac OS X(x86_64) v13.4, screens 3440.0x1440.0, 3584.0x2240.0
AS: Flamingo | 2022.2.1
Kotlin plugin: 222-1.8.0-release-AS3739.54
Android Gradle Plugin: 8.0.1
Gradle: 8.0
Gradle JDK: JetBrains Runtime version 17.0.6
NDK: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found)
CMake: from (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
Source: send_feedback_icon
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