Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Indeed, this would be quite useful - especially when we need to export the certificates to external systems like an NGINX box. <> #3
This would be useful when one wishes to have a Google managed certificate to load into Istio Ingress.
I'm assuming if this feature is implemented, we will get access to download the private key for any Google managed certificate that was generated with the:
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create
command as well.
I'm assuming if this feature is implemented, we will get access to download the private key for any Google managed certificate that was generated with the:
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create
command as well. <> #4
This would be a useful feature to add <> #5
Extremely important feature! Please introduce asap. <> #6
This would be a useful feature to add. In case of GKE, that it could be used by cluster internals in a similar way to how it is used in ingress would be fantastic
One of the main scenarios could be:
Many customers use HTTPs Load Balancers in conjunction with Cloud Flare and require the fetching of the originating client IP addresses. Cloud Flare provides a "CF-Connecting-IP" header to store the originating IPs in an easily fetch able way (Reference: