Status Update
Comments <> #2
please excuse my !== typos, haha... long day <> #3
Thank you for posting.
Please be advised that Data-driven styling for boundaries is currently only working for roadmap
. Also we have changed this into a feature request asking for other map types to be supported and we'll be reviewing this for further consideration. Please star this issue to get updates and leave comments for additional information. Please note that starring the issue also provides our product team with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to our customers. <> #4
Thanks for the information, it would be very valuable to be able to use data driven styling in other type of maps as the satellite or hybrid. In order to use the maps platform in more detailed tool for geospatial analysis apps without requiring earth engine.
Upon reading through the docs on data-driven styling for boundaries, I noticed in the demo that when the map type is changed from roadmap to terrain or satellite etc, the styled boundary (for Hana, HI) is no longer visible. Here is the JSFiddle provided with said demo.
Setting the mapTypeId to "terrain" upon map initialization will create the same effect as just clicking on the map type menu in the map controls:
In any case, if mapTypeId !=== "roadmap", the boundary produced by data-driven styling is not visible.
Thank you for your time!