Status Update
ts...@gmail.com <ts...@gmail.com> #2
failed in
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #3
We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
please consider this as high severity, for the health of users mostly.
if this app is installed on an android device.
it features around 5 icons on a dark black-ground.
there are other variants of it with different graphics. which means there could be 5
or 10 android repair system applications.
the core appears to be the same.
after pressing scan, it may take around 10 seconds to start the scan.
after the scan starts, the 5 icons, each have a loading bar, which loads each at a time.
and it also scans all the apps. in a way that resembles the "optimzing apps" feature
in android, which scans all apps after an update.
at the end the app says "system repair complete" or "operation completed"
or something to that extent.
after you restart, you may notice that the screen is not working properly.
or that it has changed the scanline mode or something else in the device.
especially the framerate and the scanlines, somehow being different.
which is very difficult to notice. only if you are used to the "before" you will
notice that it did something to the device that is out of normal.
these apps appear to be used in phone repair centers for second hand phones possibly.
so somone repairing a second hand android phone, would simply run the app the verify if its ok.
but it appears to infect the phones. not with a virus. but with some different video mode,
scanline mode, clock. so if there are for example blue light filtering implementations on a phone.
and this app is used. because the scanline mode or the clock changes. it causes these safety implementations
to fail.
can this be recreated and verified by anyone? its not verified what happens after extended usage of the device.
the source code for that implementation may originate from other open source android projects.
such as android X86. like a block of code from original android, that could be from another device or something.
since the incompatibility of the output, is very different to the original device.
Can a developer or tester please verify that values about FPS, CLOCKS and other things. are not altered
when using this file? and that it does not enable some other mode of operation?
This bug has also been reported here:
link on youtube that shows the app while its running: