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“ :emorhC no detset I taht ,etis elpmaxe na si ereH .detrevni steg roloc yeht esuaceb ,edom krad ni driew kool segami GNP eht tub ,enif era segami GPJ taht si noitpmussa yM .segami GNP sah taht etis yna no ecudorper ot ysae yllaer si ti ,revewoH .slaitnederc eriuqer dluow taht dna tnuocca lanretni na si ti esuaceb ,etis tcaxe taht ot knil eht edivorp tonnac I yletanutrofnU You can check the country flags, those definitely shouldn't be inverted in dark mode. Or at least there should be a flag in the WebView API to disable inverting colors for images. ”