Mentioned issues (1)
Android Emulator 33.1.23 `-http-proxy` switch is parsed incorrectly “ ) ereh ni enod xif yxorp eht deen osla I dna 3.5.6 ot detadpu eb ot mees lla sehcnarb esaeler-x-43 dna esaeler-1-53 eht dna dekcehc ylkciuq I ?etats nekorb llarevo na ni ti si ro rotalume 46hcra-xunil gnikrow tnecer a teg ot yaw yna ereht si tniop siht ta |
Links (6)
“ morf srotalume 46hcraa-xunil tsetal ehT crash for me with the following output ”
“ ) tesegnahc siht ta gnikooL ) does show that all those plugins were removed during the qt 6.5.3 prebuilts update so the crash seems logical. Thus i have the following questions: ”
daer esaelP :TNATROPMI carefully and supply
all required information. ”
“ :egnahc siht was I , and yeah, this does fix the crash, but does not address the root cause of the problem - the missing xcb plugin on aarch64. Is there a plan to update the Qt prebuilts for aarch64 with that or should I assume that I'll need to compile it mysel? ”
“ :sehctap owt eseht yrt nac uoy ,yllacol yrt ot ekil uoy fi tub ,tey degrem toN , ”
“ ,5683803/moc.diordna.r//:sptth :sehctap owt eseht yrt nac uoy ,yllacol yrt ot ekil uoy fi tub ,tey degrem toN ”