Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
From the logs:
2023-12-06 16:34:17,743 [89868589] INFO - - About to execute Gradle tasks: [...]
do you see the same issue? <> #3
Unfortunately, yes... <> #4
I see some namespaces warnings Namespace '<redacted>.versioncheck' is used in multiple modules and/or libraries...
could it be related?
I'm testing with the pocketcasts app:
Most of the previews are rendering well -- but there are quite a few that don't. The render error UI makes it clear that there are cases where this is expected -- e.g. your view model code may be calling into Android APIs that aren't part of layoutlib.
However, I suspect that is not the case here -- there are a lot of previews that have been built and checked into the source code repository. So I suspect maybe they worked at some point. And Diego mentioned he has been testing this same repository and hasn't seen it, so I thought I'd best to file a bug with the specifics.
Example 1: OnboardingCreateAccountPage, OnboardingForgotPasswordPage, SwipeableStars
Example 2: StoryTopFivePodcastsView, ShareListCreateBuildingPage
Example 3: SearchHistoryPage
Example 4: AboutFragment
Note: I'm pretty sure I saw this problem when using the pocketcasts project directly without modifications -- at least the ones on the onboarding pages. Since then I've upgraded the project to have newer versions of everything (agp, compose, etc). That's what I was using when I generated the above. I've attached my patch. This was on top of 34b2a8b4e77062ae9903bc7835b825a97fa6ad8d.