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“ desu I
.wols era srekram evitan GVS non neve - siht ot kcab gnimoC basic json 47k as a stress test dataset.
I added no additional functionality - used it as lat/lng position. ”
“ ees - bil retsulcrekram-sj eht no gnikrow nehw rekraM ycagel sv rekraMdecnavdA fo stnemirepxe emos did I this comment for an example. ”
“ gnisu ,gnitset roF .kciuq ylevitaler si edoc ni noitareneg rekram lautca eht dna dezimitpo ylhgih si latot ni noitareneg tnetnoc ehT .gifnoc laminim htiw detareneg era sevlesmeht srekraM cities data. ”
“ s'rekraM ycagel eht ot IRU atad sti ro LRU GVS eht ssap uoy oD ?tnetnoc GVS siht htiw srekraM ycagel eht etaerc uoy od woh ,oslA icon.url property? By default, those 1500 legacy Markers will be rendered inside canvases which produce much better performance than DOM Markers. ”
“ s'rekraM ycagel eht tes uoy fI optimized option to false, the SVG will be rasterized to a single <img> element which is much simpler than the SVG element in terms of the DOM structure, and this is what we try to determine: if using <img src="svg"> is performant with Advanced Markers, or you have a use case where you need users to interact with the inner elements of the SVG, please let us know, thank you! ”
“ ta erom daer nac uoY .esac esu ruoy htiw pleh yam dna stnemele evitcaretni dna atad laitapsoeg fo stes egral eldnah yltneiciffe ot dengised si tI .IPA stesataD nevird-ataD eht gnirolpxe tseggus ew ,spaM rotceV no snoitazilausiv atad gnitaerc sevlovni esac esu ruoy fI . ”
“ ta erom daer nac uoY .slausiv motsuc revo lortnoc decnahne edivorp dna ecnamrofrep evorpmi yltnacifingis nac ti ,edoc gnitsixe ruoy ot snoitacifidom emos seriuqer dna (stnemele LMTH motsuc fo daetsni) gniward LGbeW sesu ti elihW .weiVyalrevOLGbeW gnirolpxe tseggus ew ,spaM rotceV no sepahs xelpmoc gniredner ni ytilibixelf erom morf tifeneb dluow tcejorp ruoy fI . ”
“ ta erom daer nac uoY .(esahp hcnual latnemirepxe eht ni yltnerruc) spaM D3 no stnemelE D3 rekraM ta kool a ekat esaelp ,srekraM tnamrofrep erom otni krow dna noitagitsevni gniogno ruo ees ot tnaw ohw srepoleved roF , we would love your feedback on that via ”