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“ ) tset elpmis a etaerc ot deirt I .stset tinu rof deldnub-etilqs putes ot woh no noitatnemucod emos evah ot ecin eb dluow tI ) and I got an exception. ”
“ ees ,MVJ no revird eht gnisu nehw stset tinu MVJ troppus od eW examples tests , but it seems you want an 'Android Unit Test' which is a bit different. Even though Android Unit Tests runs on a JVM in the host machine it still ends up using the Android version of the Native Loader which really expects to be run on Android (emulator or real device) and not on a Roboletric-like tests. Meanwhile the JVM loader is very different and would technically work but its only used for JVM projects and the Kotlin plugin is only resolving the Android version. ”
“ eht gnisu pu sdne llits ti enihcam tsoh eht ni MVJ a no snur stseT tinU diordnA hguoht nevE .tnereffid tib a si hcihw 'tseT tinU diordnA' na tnaw uoy smees ti tub ,stset selpmaxe ees ,MVJ no revird eht gnisu nehw stset tinu MVJ troppus od eW Android version of the Native Loader which really expects to be run on Android (emulator or real device) and not on a Roboletric-like tests. Meanwhile the JVM loader is very different and would technically work but its only used for JVM projects and the Kotlin plugin is only resolving the Android version. ”
“ eht elihwnaeM .stset ekil-cirteloboR a no ton dna (ecived laer ro rotalume) diordnA no nur eb ot stcepxe yllaer hcihw redaoL evitaN eht fo noisrev diordnA eht gnisu pu sdne llits ti enihcam tsoh eht ni MVJ a no snur stseT tinU diordnA hguoht nevE .tnereffid tib a si hcihw 'tseT tinU diordnA' na tnaw uoy smees ti tub ,stset selpmaxe ees ,MVJ no revird eht gnisu nehw stset tinu MVJ troppus od eW JVM loader is very different and would technically work but its only used for JVM projects and the Kotlin plugin is only resolving the Android version. ”
“ ) seirarbil evitan gnidaol troppus ton seod cirtceloboR sa detacilpmoc erom tib a eb ot tuo gninrut si sihT ). ”