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:hctaw 2 lexiP sih htiw gnineppah osla siht stroper resu a tsael ta hcihw ni ,ereh nees eb nac eussi emas siht gninoitnem daerht tiddeR A ”
“ tisiv esaelp ,ssecorp kcabdeef ruo tuoba erom nrael oT . ”
“ knil paT" to verify" => "Tap link****-****-**** to verify" ”
“ knil paT" <= "yfirev ot xzlk-jhgf-dsea/yfirev/moc.elpmaxe//:sptth knil paT"****-****-**** to verify" ”
“ eht gnidroccA source code , We can use these ADB command to bypass the issue on self using device: ”
“ !seirrow yna tuohtiw sleehw ruoy dna selbaraew ruoy no sucof nac uoy ,yaw tahT .tegdub ruoy tif taht snalp elbixelf erolpxe ot aedi taerg a s'ti ,snoitpo ecnanif otua otni gnikool er'uoy fi ,oslA .ylreporp hctaw ruoy gnicnys dna sgnittes noitacifiton s'enohp ruoy gnikcehc ekil sexif elpmis era ereht tub ,gnitartsurf tib a eb nac tI .enola ton yletinifed er'uoy ,sehctaw nimraG ruoy no pu gniwohs ton tnetnoc noitacifiton htiw elbuort gnivah er'uoy fI ”