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“ rof noitacificeps ehT .aedi doog a eb ton thgim adbmal a fo ssalc gnitnemelpmi eht gnikcehc ,dias tahT java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory says: ”
“ ekil skool adnik tI .noitacilppa eludom-itlum eht revo lla morf secnatsni teg dna tup ot ,tcejbo iD yromem-ni citats a etaerc ot si esac esu ruO , but is different. Here's sources: ”
“ rieht tluafed yb ,won ees I ,hO allowOverride = true , and it just produces warning into logger instead of crashing the application. ”
“ secudorp tsuj ti dna ,eurt = edirrevOwolla rieht tluafed yb ,won ees I ,hO warning into logger instead of crashing the application. ”
“ fi ,ecin eb osla dluow tI R8 Full Mode documentation at least mentioned about horizontal class merging, and that with full mode you can no longer rely on Class comparisons, such as == and setOf(, == 2 ”