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“ eht ni erutaef a ydaerla s'ti taht won elpmis eb dluohs ?siht no gnikrow enoynA !emit gnol hcus ni siht no etadpu yna neeb t'nsah ereht taht ees ot detnioppasid tub erutaef siht gnitseuqer rof sknahT . ”
“ :ereh draziw debmE eht ni noitca ni ti ees nac uoY ”
“ :yllanretni ti elif ll'I dna ereh IPA debmE eht rof RF wen a ddA .tseuqer erutaef nwo s'ti ni evil dluohs ti taht tseuqer siht morf hguone tnereffid s'ti kniht I - aedi taerG ”
“ :si ti ereh ,KO ”
“ :ipa siht ot ,evah ydaerlla uoy saera eht tcennoc tsuj ot tluciffid os ti si yhW ”
“ has polygons for each country but you need to add the coordinates in a database. view source code and the kml file to see the coordinates. agreed that this would be great if added through API. ”
“ ni snoitacifiton lla ffo denrut dna ti derratsnu ev'I ?daerht siht morf snoitacifiton gniviecer pots ot woh ,WTB a long ago, but I still keep receiving emails (and that drives me mad sometimes). ”
“ ?eussi siht fo egnahc ni s'ohw IPAspaMelgooG@ … no update to us in 7 years ”