Status Update
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #2
Just to make sure I understand the request, you want LatLng coordinates translated to
absolute pixel coordinates? Is that correct?
absolute pixel coordinates? Is that correct?
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #3
Filing the feature request, but please confirm my question above.
d....@gtempaccount.com <d....@gtempaccount.com> #4
Yes, absolute pixel coordinates.
me...@gmail.com <me...@gmail.com> #5
Sorry, I just woke up, i meant to say. Yes, absolute pixel coordinates. Thanks for
the response :)
the response :)
ra...@gmail.com <ra...@gmail.com> #6
Got it, thanks!
ne...@gmail.com <ne...@gmail.com> #7
Can you describe one (or a few) practical use cases where you'd need this instead of
using the one provided by the OverlayView class?
using the one provided by the OverlayView class?
ul...@metadea.de <ul...@metadea.de> #8
Unfortunately, I can't speak for the "fromLatLngToPixel" crowd, but I can say that
I/we use (and would like in v3) "fromContainerPixelToLatLng". We use it specifically
to get a wider bounds for populating map markers.
In more detail:
When a user views a map, we create a buffer -- let's say 200 extra pixels on all
sides, and use the corresponding lat/lng bounds to get a set of data points within
the map through AJAX. This way when a user moves the map just a little within the 200
pixel buffer we don't have to do another AJAX request. It's essentially just a box
outside of the box. Without "fromContainerPixelToLatLng" we can't get accurate
lat/lng for the buffer box.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't creating an Overlay (at least as described in
your examples) just be unnecessary overhead?
I/we use (and would like in v3) "fromContainerPixelToLatLng". We use it specifically
to get a wider bounds for populating map markers.
In more detail:
When a user views a map, we create a buffer -- let's say 200 extra pixels on all
sides, and use the corresponding lat/lng bounds to get a set of data points within
the map through AJAX. This way when a user moves the map just a little within the 200
pixel buffer we don't have to do another AJAX request. It's essentially just a box
outside of the box. Without "fromContainerPixelToLatLng" we can't get accurate
lat/lng for the buffer box.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't creating an Overlay (at least as described in
your examples) just be unnecessary overhead?
ul...@metadea.de <ul...@metadea.de> #9
Tariqseif, you can do this currently by subclassing an OverlayView to display a fixed
viewport over a map. Granted this isn't the intended use case for an OverlayView (is
more of a custom control), it's certainly doable.
Check out the example I hacked up:
viewport over a map. Granted this isn't the intended use case for an OverlayView (is
more of a custom control), it's certainly doable.
Check out the example I hacked up:
bc...@google.com <bc...@google.com> #10
The earlier issue and the later Firefox issue were slightly different. Please see Issue 3652 for details of the latter. Regardless, the issue should now be fixed.