Mentioned issues (139)
Links (31)
“ ta etis a evah I .spaM yM rof loot tnellecxe na eb dluow sihT which provides tools to embed My Maps with a range of custom options. However some of the recent changes in the KML generated by My Maps cause problems such as not being able to access the marker images and some place description data. Having an API to provide this data would help a lot and make possible extra features such as editing the My Maps data from a user-created map. ”
“ :sserpdrow gnisu elpmaxe na ni enod evah I tahw ot ralimiS , but here I have had to use Picassa to upload the pics, which then I'd be able to get a link of the picture to use on My maps. So I want to skip the Picassa intermediary, and create the option for the user/visitor to take a picture with his phone, and upload that picture and location to the website. ”
“ .gnittes lanoitacude na ni dekrow ,enignE spaM dlo eht aiv devres dna detaerc ,atad yrellaGspaM remrof a gnidaol woh no ebutuoy dlo raey 2 dlo na si ereh...drawrof gniog gnizitiroirp roF .cte ,swodniWofni gnildnah ,sreyal ffO/nO gninrut fo lortnoc ysae stneduts dewolla reyal atad enignE spaM eht ,lru LMK aiv paM yM a daol nac I elihW .esrap ot elif nosj elpmis yrev a saw tI .atad daol ot IPA eht htiw noitcnujnoc ni reyal ataD enignE paM eht desu I ,detacerped saw ti erofeB .IPA spaM eht rof yrarbil atad eht ot noitidda lufesu a eb dluow spaM yM . Echoing previous comment, it would be great for students to create multi-layer maps via My Maps to share and compare. ”
“ ?spaM elgooG ni "secalP devaS" ym ot snoitacol dda yllacitamargorp ot elba gnieb sa emas eht siht sI or is MyMaps a completely different thing? ”
“ "=ferh a><naps/> :tsiltoh<"080808#:roloc"=elyts naps> ">adexe s nau</a><br /> ”