Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
This is a great need <> #3
I need to restrict geocode answers to Europe or other areas like South America. This will be a very easy way to do that. Much more easier than parsing all the results. <> #4
I would like to bring other places can be reached by road from one place. Eg. Africa, Europe, Asia, or South America, North America <> #5
please we also need this feature very urgent for autocompleting Switzerland and the principality of Lichtenstein...! <> #6
it would be wonderful to limit multiple countries (like US and Canada) <> #7
+1. My client needs to be able to restrict results to USA and Mexico only. <> #8
is there any solution yet? <> #9
i need this real bad as well! Thanks in advanced <> #10
common Google... this is highly needed! <> #11
Highly needed indeed.
Could you please tell us if you have planned to add this feature ?
Could you please tell us if you have planned to add this feature ? <> #12
This would be a great feature. Very useful, indeed. <> #13
I also apply to restrict multiple countries e.g. german speaking like Germany, Austria, Switzerland <> #14
Its a must have feature that Google should add. <> <> #15
I also apply... <> #16
Really need this feature <> #17
I can't use the API without this feature. Thank you for your work. <> #18
I'm looking for a similar function, I need to restrict it to a continent, or multiple countries within that continent (Africa). <> #19
It would be great to be able to define something like this for multiple countries restriction:
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
} <> #20
I too want to restrict the use to AU/NZ. <> #21
I agree that US and CA is a great need for us doing business in those parts of North America. <> #22
We really need this! <> #23
It would be nice to have this feature (something like: country: ['us', 'ca']) <> #24
This would be amazing to have. <> #25
Really could use this. Trying to restrict to USA and Canada only. As of now my brothers from the north get no auto-complete :( <> #26
also waiting! <> #27
This is an excellent idea! I am developing a system that will need the results to be restricted to Europe, so at least an option to restrict to larger regions or areas would be truly welcome! <> #28
Please, we need this!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #29
we need it... in any form
json, array comma separate.. whatever.. please help!
json, array comma separate.. whatever.. please help! <> #30
This is essential for the Island of Ireland, made up as it is of The Republic of Ireland (ie) and Northern Ireland (gb - as it is part of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" as Google mentions as an example on their Geocoding page)
To implement an autocomplete search box restricted to just the island of Ireland is impossible as none of the Northern Ireland addresses return suggestions if "ie" is specified and specifying "gb" will return Northern Ireland AND the rest of the UK - a completely different island/geo-political area.
To implement an autocomplete search box restricted to just the island of Ireland is impossible as none of the Northern Ireland addresses return suggestions if "ie" is specified and specifying "gb" will return Northern Ireland AND the rest of the UK - a completely different island/geo-political area. <> #31
i would love you if you offer an option like "restrictedTo":"ISO 3166 Code" and only return matching results, very great need <> #32
As well as specifying multiple countries, it would be useful to specify a preference order. Eg setting country to "IE, GB" would return IE matches first in preference to GB matches.
The viewport biasing option doesn't work very well.
The viewport biasing option doesn't work very well. <> #33
As well as specifying multiple countries, it would be useful to specify a preference order. Eg setting country to "IE, GB" would return IE matches first in preference to GB matches.
The viewport biasing option doesn't work very well.
The viewport biasing option doesn't work very well. <> #34
Actually, a bit more experimentation shows that the biasing function does work very well - for the Northern Ireland/Ireland problem, I'm able to set a bounds property, and this brings back a good set of predictions for Ireland as a whole. It's not part of the componentRestrictions, but could be useful as an alternative solution.
These are the bounds I'm using for the island of Ireland.
bounds=new google.maps.LatLngBounds(new google.maps.LatLng(51.16694,-10.33001),
new google.maps.LatLng(55.15232,-5.0190));
These are the bounds I'm using for the island of Ireland.
bounds=new google.maps.LatLngBounds(new google.maps.LatLng(51.16694,-10.33001),
new google.maps.LatLng(55.15232,-5.0190)); <> #35
@Gavin - thanks for this. The only issue with this is that it will still show locations outside those bounds, locations inside the bounds get preferential display. e.g. "Oma" shows "Omagh"(Co. Tyrone) first then "Oman" and "Omaha". <> #36
yes, it could be very useful <> #37 <> #38
[Comment deleted] <> #39
I really need this option
componentRestrictions: country: ['us', 'uk']
componentRestrictions: country: ['us', 'uk'] <> #40
I need this too! <> #41
I need this too!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #42
Is there anyway to achieve similar behaviour in the meantime other than making multiple queries and combining the results? The use case of US + Canada would be so useful, and unfortunately, region biasing doesn't work well enough in place of this. +1 <> #43
Yes please pretty please ! <> #44
Google, pleeeeeeeease! <> #45
Google, what's up? Such an old issue that shouldn't be too hard to resolve but is impossible to work around on the client...?! <> #46
Please, We need it too~~ <> #47
Pretty please? <> #48
Any plans on this functionnality? ;) <> #49
I want US + Mexico Locations in auto populate. is it possible? <> #50
#51 No, that is not possible. That is what this change request is about. But it's open for two years now and Google has not said if and when it is gonna solve the problem...
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #51
We also provide this autocomplete service for one of our customers who is in germany, austria and switzerland.
We are really looking forward to have something like this:
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['at','ch','de']
or a similar workaround to get all cities from (de,at,ch)...
We are really looking forward to have something like this:
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['at','ch','de']
or a similar workaround to get all cities from (de,at,ch)... <> #52
I would be nice also, if possible, to have the option to exclude a country from the results <> #53
restriction by the bounds of map is not always helping. many times i need to restrict by the countries on the different part of the world (like us + eu countries). <> #54
still waiting for that <> #55
want this so badly! <> #56
i need sk and cz please
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #57
Would be great to see some progress on this issue. Seems like a simple enough request that would make sense for Google to develop. Providing an array of country codes would be awesome to restrict geocode results to certain countries, and would probably also make everything faster, too. <> #58
I need it with FR and his overseas departments and territories (DOM TOM : Guadeloupe, French Polynesia ...) <> #59
Or simply include the overseas departments from every contries..
Like France > FR + (Martinique MQ, Guadeloupe QP, French Guiana GF, Mayotte YT)
Like United Kingdom > GB + (Gibraltar GI ...)
It could be very useful...
Like France > FR + (Martinique MQ, Guadeloupe QP, French Guiana GF, Mayotte YT)
Like United Kingdom > GB + (Gibraltar GI ...)
It could be very useful... <> #60
My client needs to be able to restrict results to USA and its territories. <> #61
open for 2 years? does this issue have any chance of getting implemented anytime soon? i can add Australia to your list. I am working on an app at the moment that provides data for Australia and its external territories (which are not covered under 'au'). does anyone at least have a suggestion on how it could be done? <> #62
We have created a workaround by providing a selectbox for visitors to choose among available countries. See a working demo here: <> #63
Was just learning to use places library, and ran into this problem immediately! Would love a resolution :) <> #64
+1 this seems like a no brainer, why wouldn't it be available. <> #65
Reported on Jun 26, 2012 and still no update? <> #66
Bing maps ftw! *sigh*
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #67
+1 also for us, we really need this for Western Europe restriction... Still no solution after all these requests & more than 2 years ?! <> #68
Still no update on this?
We need something like country: {us,ca}
We need something like country: {us,ca} <> #69
upvote here too! :-) <> #70
I also need to restrict geocode answers to Europe or other regions.
Upvote here!
Upvote here! <> #71
upvote here! <> #72
Upvote here ! <> #73
I'm also looking for ['us', ca'] as an option. <> #74
Same here, we want to get us and ca results only. <> #75
we NEED this! relationship between USA and CANADA depends on this...kind of a big deal <> #76
Until Google allows you to pass an array to the 'region' filter, there is a workaround:
if (status!=='OK') {
// Search using another 'region'
Repeat for each region.
if (status!=='OK') {
// Search using another 'region'
Repeat for each region. <> #77
P.S. The above assumes you are restricting by region:'au'. If you are restricting by componentRestrictions:{country:'au'}, then you can do something like this:
if (results[0].formatted_address==='Australia') {
// Search using componentRestrictions:{country:'nz'}
This is because when no address is found, the formatted_address will be set to the country name.
if (results[0].formatted_address==='Australia') {
// Search using componentRestrictions:{country:'nz'}
This is because when no address is found, the formatted_address will be set to the country name.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #78
This workaround means 10+ lookups to cover a fraction of western Europe :( <> #79
#80, there is another way: define a boundary for your countries, then use the 'bounds' filter.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #80
#81 Yes, thanks, already implemented !
But it is not as precise as restrictions :
- when autocompleting, I still see places from all over the world
- if I want to cover, let's say, France and Germany, I would also include parts of UK, Italy...
But it is not as precise as restrictions :
- when autocompleting, I still see places from all over the world
- if I want to cover, let's say, France and Germany, I would also include parts of UK, Italy... <> #81
Please allow us to filter by multiple countries! It is so necessary when using Maps from smaller countries or near borders with other countries (europe, singapore). <> #82
Re-support WebGL for Street View Services. Bring mobile spherical projections back on Street View Services. With the new embed api, street view embeds are worthless on mobile.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #83
still badly needed
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #84
ugly, probably buggy, but worked for me:
geocoder.geocode({ 'address': address + ', Deutschland OR Österreich OR Schweiz' }, function (results, status)
geocoder.geocode({ 'address': address + ', Deutschland OR Österreich OR Schweiz' }, function (results, status) <> #85
We need this feature. <> #86
I need this too!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #87
Come on Google! 180 of us want this! <> #88
After two years waiting, I do not need it anymore ;) <> #89
Come on Google don't be evil, give us this shit! <> #90
[Comment deleted] <> #91
My application have this requirement. If we can search from whole world than we should be able to search from two countries too.
please provide us that
please provide us that
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #92
Can we please get an update on if this issue will ever be addressed? <> #93
It seems I forgot to post my workaround here. I put it on stackoverflow so more people could find it. I basically get predictions for each country needed, and created a custom autocomplete popup to list the results. In my case I only needed to check for another country (luxemburg) when the current site was in belgium.
Hope this helps some people here..
Hope this helps some people here.. <> #94
2 1/2 years... please, Google, go on! Can't be that difficult to implement this <> #95
We initially had a combobox with countries. Now we check on the server if the location is in our list of valid countries and provide error messages if it's outside of the valid list. <> #96
This problem can easily be solved by gathering information on the autocomplete.
See this link to fetch data about the location
This line of code is the part to be changed. It need to be equals to your country code(s):
See this link to fetch data about the location
This line of code is the part to be changed. It need to be equals to your country code(s):
place.address_components[i][componentForm[addressType]]; <> #97
Still no solution from Google?
I am getting mad with this issue!
I am getting mad with this issue! <> #98
This would be a fantastic feature and I'm adding my vote. In the meantime, thanks to the people above who've posted several workarounds (luckily I only need to geocode for the UK and ROI). <> #99
[Comment deleted] <> #100
The ability to filter by continents at least would be very useful. <> #101
would very much appreciate this feature.
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['aus', 'nz']
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['aus', 'nz']
} <> #102
Need the capability for lookups like "near Basel" or ?components=country:CH,DE,FR <> #103
same same for overseas territories, it's really painful... <> #104
Still waiting for a response on this one... would be really useful to restrict/bias geocode results to adjoining countries (eg Ireland and Northern Ireland/GB) <> #105
Still no solution? <> #106
About 3 yrs later and still no solution. Thats poor, Google... <> #107
Needed this for project. Sad to see it's not part of the API by now. <> #108
Adding my request for this. Working on a project which wishes to be able to restrict to a small range of countries; currently the API only allows a single country, or all. Neither is close to what we want. <> #109
Dear Google, Please have this in API. <> #113
Come on programmers, wake up!!
We need this:
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
Just change your query from '=' to 'in()', should not take more than 5 minutes.
We need this:
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
Just change your query from '=' to 'in()', should not take more than 5 minutes. <> #122
I need this too. thx <> #123
it will be great if we have something like
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #125
Please, we all nedd this! <> #126
I hoped that by now this feature will be implemented, last time I checked for this it was 2 years ago and still nothing, I don´t think this is something very hard to do unless you guys are dealing with extreme bureaucracy. please implement it <> #127
+1 I need to limit it to the United States and Canada.
Can we at least get an update on this?
Can we at least get an update on this? <> #128
yes please... <> #129
Please this feature is badly needed !!!! <> #130
This bug is three years old, and has not made it past the "Acknowledged" status. Judging by the comments, there are a *lot* of people that require this feature. I should not have to issue two requests and merge their results just to handle this.
Come on Google, get it together.
Come on Google, get it together. <> #131
when is this going to be possible?
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
componentRestrictions: {
country: ['us', 'ca']
} <> #132
The fact that I cannot limit my google search to North America drives me crazy. I live in Canada & get a real lot of U.K. results. I don't want to limit my search to just Canada or just U.S. I just want my continent only - not overseas! <> #133
Can we get any official answer on this? It seems 3 years should be a long enough time to implement this? <> #134
Hi to anyone who has raised comments here - please add additional comments and with a bit of luck somebody at Google will get annoyed with getting their inbox full of the same issue and might do something about it.
A response from Google would be appreciated - multiple choice options below to make it simple!
a) won't do
b) working on it, won't be long
c) already done and waiting release...
A response from Google would be appreciated - multiple choice options below to make it simple!
a) won't do
b) working on it, won't be long
c) already done and waiting release... <> #135
Hey Gavin, while I understand your intent with your request to everyone who has starred this bug, I have to point out that we, as Googlers, have a policy of not commenting on future product direction. Deciding on future product direction is a collaborative effort between many different teams with different goals and stakeholder requirements. While filling up my inbox may impact me, it is the number of stars on an issue that the product managers really review when seeking guidance from our bug trackers. Thanks! <> #136
hi breetmor.... (googler),
are 278 people who starred this issue in the last 3years not enough?
are 278 people who starred this issue in the last 3years not enough?
ralf <> #137
Hi brettmor...: nice to hear from you! Apologies for the inbox filling incitement - was having a particularly frustrating day dealing with this issue in yet another project.
If you sort the features list by number of stars, this is second on the list so obviously in high demand (after styled maps which is understandably more complex).
I understand you don't want to reveal what you're working on, but do you think three years an acceptable length of time not to do anything with this issue? Is there an alternative channel to raise the priority on this one eg through our Maps-for-work account manager?
If you sort the features list by number of stars, this is second on the list so obviously in high demand (after styled maps which is understandably more complex).
I understand you don't want to reveal what you're working on, but do you think three years an acceptable length of time not to do anything with this issue? Is there an alternative channel to raise the priority on this one eg through our Maps-for-work account manager? <> #138
Hey Gavin,
If you are a Maps for Work customer, by all means raise this as a ticket on the support portal.
As to how product managers make decisions, I know they take into account the number of stars on an issue, but they also take into account other technical, product and business directions when making these engineering effort prioritization decisions.
I share your (collective) frustration here, but I can't make promises on future product direction.
If you are a Maps for Work customer, by all means raise this as a ticket on the support portal.
As to how product managers make decisions, I know they take into account the number of stars on an issue, but they also take into account other technical, product and business directions when making these engineering effort prioritization decisions.
I share your (collective) frustration here, but I can't make promises on future product direction. <> #139
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #140
[Comment deleted] <> #141
Would love to have this feature, thanks for all your hard work Brett! <> #142
Hi to all,
Have just had a comment from Google via a Maps-For-Work request for this feature:
"I am sorry to tell you that given the current backend, there is no plan to implement this feature."
I guess we'll have to wait for them to update the backend then...
Have just had a comment from Google via a Maps-For-Work request for this feature:
"I am sorry to tell you that given the current backend, there is no plan to implement this feature."
I guess we'll have to wait for them to update the backend then... <> #144
Oh my god! This issue since 3 years ago :( <> <> #145
This is greatly needed for french overseas departments <> #149
finally i got solution for this issue.. i hope this code will work..try this
var input = document.getElementById('pac-input');
var options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'in' }
var options1 = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'au' }
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function () {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
var lat = parseFloat(;
var long = parseFloat(place.geometry.location.lng()).toFixed(4);
map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, long), 18);
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options1);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function () {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
var lat = parseFloat(;
var long = parseFloat(place.geometry.location.lng()).toFixed(4);
map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, long), 18);
Kamaraj k
var input = document.getElementById('pac-input');
var options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'in' }
var options1 = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: { country: 'au' }
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function () {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
var lat = parseFloat(;
var long = parseFloat(place.geometry.location.lng()).toFixed(4);
map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, long), 18);
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options1);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function () {
var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
var lat = parseFloat(;
var long = parseFloat(place.geometry.location.lng()).toFixed(4);
map.setView(new L.LatLng(lat, long), 18);
Kamaraj k
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #150
Three years and hundreds of stars later and this obviously needed feature hasn't made it in. Not very encouraging. Hopefully a competitor can do this. <> #151
[Comment deleted] <> #152
I need this feature as well guys, why Google doesn't implement this? <> #153
Don't lose hope guys, this issues status is "accepted" since about one month. I guess Google is now working on that. <> #155
Throwing hat in as yet another dev really needing this. <> #157
Given the fact all overseas French territories are not included in the "France" geo search, we need this to give geographically & politically accurate responses to nation-wide queries in France. <> #158
can't believe that this isn't part of google maps api and hasn't bene addressed at all for so long! <> #159
I would like this feature <> #160
been waiting on this one too <> #161
I am also waiting for this feature !! <> #162
Need that too. Please implement! <> #163
[Comment deleted] <> #164
Waiting for this, I want autocomplete for french locations, but DOM-TOM are excluded. This is very annoying because in fact they are part of France event they have their own ISO code. (GO, MQ...) <> #165
We have the same problem here, DOM-TOM are part of FR and we have no way of querying them for our french users. <> #166
I have the same need. Please make this asap <> #167
I am in need of this too. <> #168
European countries are small, I need it 5 in once! <> #169
When are they planning on integrating this? <> #170
bump :/ <> #171
Same here I need it too
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #172
Yes we need it please! <> #173
Gsgadhadara <> #174
Aaaaarg, damn it. I really need the fix.
Guess they're not going to do it.
Guess they're not going to do it. <> #175
Another request for this feature, needing UK and Ireland with other countries to be added later. <> #176
Yes, plz <> #177
yes <> #178
A very useful feature. plz <> #179
Lol <> #180
Please, please do make his change! It is vital for a project I'm working on <> #181
please for FR and DOM-TOM ! <> #182
Please do it <> #183
It could be Very Very useful !
Many clients ask me for this feature here
Thanks !
Many clients ask me for this feature here :
Thanks ! <> #184
It would be useful if we can have filters on multiple countries like:
where I can have the postal code of US and American Samoa
where I can have the postal code of US and American Samoa <> #185
I don't know how complex this is to implement, but I see this is an incredibly old issue. I also need to be able to bias address autocomplete results to NA and not being able to do this with an option parameter makes me work on a freaking huge bounding rectangle to be able to receive the results I need. Hopefully, this will be implemented soon. Being able to restrict/bias search results by multiple countries (with priority) or continent, will be very useful. <> #186
I'm voting for this as well! <> #187
I need this too ! <> #189
The above workaround does work although it should have credited the original author <> #190
om namah shivay <> #191
Hurry up Google ! <> #192
[Comment deleted] <> #193
4 years and still nothing?? comeon google! Very useful feature. <> #194
4 years and still nothing?? comeon google! Very useful feature. <> #195
This would indeed be very useful, if only I could filter on multiple countries. Simply like:
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
(document.getElementById('autocomplete')), {
types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: { country: ['nl', 'de', 'fr', 'de']}
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
(document.getElementById('autocomplete')), {
types: ['geocode'],
componentRestrictions: { country: ['nl', 'de', 'fr', 'de']}
} <> #196
Need that feature so much! <> #197
I need this <> #198
is there any update on this????
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #200
Is there any estimated timeline for when we can expect this feature? <> #201
This is my workaround (uk and ireland), it works fine for me but I had to disable location selections by arrow key, feel free to improve it <> #202
Not that it matters at this point, but +1 for this. (US + CA is pretty common usecase) <> #203
Come-on Google, its been too long. <> #204
still waiting. <> #205
Should have been there by now as the radius doesn't work with auto complete as expected. <> #206
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #207
definitely interested in this, because of DOM-TOM <> #208
This would be really helpful.
The workaround with multiple requests is not very environmentally friendly ;)
The workaround with multiple requests is not very environmentally friendly ;) <> #209
Completely necessary for France as DOM-TOM do not have the "FR" regional code.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #210
[Comment deleted] <> #211
+1 still waiting. 4+ years to add it to the api. are you joking? <> #212
Google, what's up with you? These requests are made by people who URGENTLY need that; guess how many would consider it "nice to have" and how many were too frustrated and didn't take their time to find their way here and add a star?
['de','at','ch'] <> #213
It could be very useful. Impossible to use componentRestrictions correctly without this feature... Some countries like France are divided in several areas (metropolitan france and DOM-TOM (guadeloupe, réunion....) with specific ISO codes :/ <> #214
Would be a really really REALLY nice feature but Google inc. seems not to care about its customers feature request and prefer building fancy API documentations instead.
Even the requst is 4 years old and highly wanted, google knows whats good for you.
Even the requst is 4 years old and highly wanted, google knows whats good for you. <> #215
is there any movement on this? <> #216
need it too! <> #217
[Comment deleted] <> #218
Hi, not perfect but, do the job
here the working demo:
here the code:
var countries = ['fr', 'gp', 'mq', 'gf', 're', 'pm', 'yt', 'nc', 'pf', 'mf', 'tf'];
var processItemsDeferred = [],
results = [];
function multipleCountriesPredictions(input) {
$.each(countries, function(i, country) {
processItemsDeferred.push(getPrediction(input, country));
function getPrediction(input, country) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
var service = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
input: input,
componentRestrictions: {
country: country
}, function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i) {
'country': country,
'description': data[i].description,
'place_id': data[i].place_id
return deferred.promise();
here the working demo:
here the code:
var countries = ['fr', 'gp', 'mq', 'gf', 're', 'pm', 'yt', 'nc', 'pf', 'mf', 'tf'];
var processItemsDeferred = [],
results = [];
function multipleCountriesPredictions(input) {
$.each(countries, function(i, country) {
processItemsDeferred.push(getPrediction(input, country));
function getPrediction(input, country) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
var service = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
input: input,
componentRestrictions: {
country: country
}, function(data) {
$.each(data, function(i) {
'country': country,
'description': data[i].description,
'place_id': data[i].place_id
return deferred.promise();
} <> #219
Imagine you have to restrict the request to 10 or 20 countires - that means 20 service calls. That's sadly not a valid option. <> #220
It is 2016 and we are still waiting for this feature to land! <> #221
Good to see this is such a big priority with only 224 people voting for it... <> #222
yes definitely (for france/switzerland frontier apps) <> #223
+1, I need it too if it matters to anyone <> #224
+1 very important for my project. google please)) <> #225
+1. It's been 4 years. Such typical Google <> #226
+1 Urgent issue.. Sadly, probably won't be fixed any time soon... <> #227
+1 Four year old issue should really be dealt with! <> #228
[Comment deleted]
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #229
I wait for this update, please <> #230
I'm going to hazard a guess that this hasn't been implemented in the last 4 years because of one of two reasons:
a) scalability with so many people using / abusing the feature
b) People basically just scraping the API for all countries and scraping all of the data and IP.
a) scalability with so many people using / abusing the feature
b) People basically just scraping the API for all countries and scraping all of the data and IP. <> #231
+1, this is a requirement for many applications! <> #232
Here another multiple time service called hack
with deferred request for each service call (France + DOM TOM demo)
with deferred request for each service call <> #233
Need to restrict to one state like "los angeles county". <> #235
As of 10 January 2017 release notes (in 3.27 version) the componentRestrictions field accepts up to 5 countries so it seems it should resolve this issue for the many. There’s always multi requests, now with 5 countries per request, for those that might need more than 5.
If you also have encountered the other issue (e.g. riazuddi) of needing to filter on deeper administration boundaries (e.g. state, council/county, postcode) can I please urge you to consider reviewing and maybe starring <a href=" "> Issue 4433 </a> too.
If you also have encountered the other issue (e.g. riazuddi) of needing to filter on deeper administration boundaries (e.g. state, council/county, postcode) can I please urge you to consider reviewing and maybe starring <a href=" <> #236
Good news!
This new feature has been available for a few weeks and a few rough edges have been polished now ( Issue 11253 , Issue 11344 ) so it seems a broader announcement here is due.
The Place Autocomplete web service and the JavaScript Places library now support restricting predictions to multiple countries, see details below. Please file new feature requests for the Android and iOS Places API SDKs if you are interested in using this feature in the SDKs.
Please see how to add multiple county restricts here:
See also this new example: Place Autocomplete Restricted to Multiple Countries
There is a limitation to this new feature: requests may be restricted up to 5 countries.
Please note that restricting to multiple countries comes with an increased latency. The limit of 5 countries is there to keep the latency increase in check.
Should you want to retrieve predictions restricted to a greater number of countries, you can use the approach proposed above (#236): build your own widget using the AutocompleteService in the JavaScript Places library to send multiple requests. Now each request can be restricted to (up to) 5 countries, thus reducing the amount of requests necessary per keystroke. Each request will return up to 5 predictions, regardless of how many countries it's restricted to.
There is also now the possibility to restrict predictions to be strictly within a given viewport, as recently announced in Issue 8606 (Place Autocomplete: bounds restrict). This may be a viable alternative for regions that fit well within a rectangular region but include many countries.
This new feature has been available for a few weeks and a few rough edges have been polished now (
The Place Autocomplete web service and the JavaScript Places library now support restricting predictions to multiple countries, see details below. Please file new feature requests for the Android and iOS Places API SDKs if you are interested in using this feature in the SDKs.
Please see how to add multiple county restricts here:
See also this new example: Place Autocomplete Restricted to Multiple Countries
There is a limitation to this new feature: requests may be restricted up to 5 countries.
Please note that restricting to multiple countries comes with an increased latency. The limit of 5 countries is there to keep the latency increase in check.
Should you want to retrieve predictions restricted to a greater number of countries, you can use the approach proposed above (#236): build your own widget using the AutocompleteService in the JavaScript Places library to send multiple requests. Now each request can be restricted to (up to) 5 countries, thus reducing the amount of requests necessary per keystroke. Each request will return up to 5 predictions, regardless of how many countries it's restricted to.
There is also now the possibility to restrict predictions to be strictly within a given viewport, as recently announced in <> #237
Wow finally. <> #238
cool, finally... i don't need it anymore (i needed it last time 3 years ago) but good to know that it's there in case it would be necessary in the future. good job guys <> #239
Superb! Great work lads. Have a project that can now use this :) <> #240
[Comment deleted] <> #242
I'm afraid no, Restricting to multiple countries comes with an increased latency, and the Geocoding API is not quite the low-latency service that Autocomplete is.
Besides, Autocomplete is generally a better approach when users enter addresses interactively, as outlined in
Besides, Autocomplete is generally a better approach when users enter addresses interactively, as outlined in <> #243
Fair enough. Thank you for the quick response! <> #245
Great, 5 years of waiting for 5 countries!
Dear Google 5 or 1 is the same s*it, the request was to filter an indefinite number of multiple countries not 5!
Implementing #236 approach is useless, how can we decide what to filter from all the results we got from multiple requests?
Dear Google 5 or 1 is the same s*it, the request was to filter an indefinite number of multiple countries not 5!
Implementing #236 approach is useless, how can we decide what to filter from all the results we got from multiple requests? <> #246
componentRestrictions: {country: ['ua', 'pl', 'de', 'be', 'it', 'fr', 'ru', 'nl', 'cz']},
Ok, Google Map, how i can include all ~20+ countries from EU to filter? This code works just for first 5 countries. No "Paris" or "Rotterdam" :((
If it's impossible - How you see to make filter by continent? Thank you!
Ok, Google Map, how i can include all ~20+ countries from EU to filter? This code works just for first 5 countries. No "Paris" or "Rotterdam" :((
If it's impossible - How you see to make filter by continent? Thank you! <> #247
A much simpler scenario is when you're trying to search in two states, like KS and MO, in the US. It would be great if we could do:|KS
Or something
Or something <> #248
As a workaround (for Europe) I got the result I wanted by adding both "region" and "bounds" parameters.
Ex - searching for the postal code "10115" (in "address" parameter) returned a location at US but I was expecting a location from Germany. So below code helped.
"region": "150",
'address': "10115",
'bounds': {
west: -5.12543,
east: 17.28668,
south: 42.55742,
north: 54.83280
Region codes -
Bounds -
Ex - searching for the postal code "10115" (in "address" parameter) returned a location at US but I was expecting a location from Germany. So below code helped.
"region": "150",
'address': "10115",
'bounds': {
west: -5.12543,
east: 17.28668,
south: 42.55742,
north: 54.83280
Region codes -
Bounds - <> #249
Plus one!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #250
+ <> #251
This is still needed. We need to search a region of South America, would be nice to be able to add more than 5 countries. <> #252
So there in 2025, if you make a business targeting french people, you can't use google solution because France and its overseas areas are 'fr', 'gp', 're', 'mq', 'gf', 'nc', 'yt', 'pf', which makes a total of 8...
I'm wondering what's the real purpose of this API tbh ?
I'm wondering what's the real purpose of this API tbh ? <> #253
An update from
for the European Union. <> #254
J'aime bien être abonné à cette issue depuis 13 ans, ça me fait relativiser sur les retards de mes projets au boulot.
restrict componentRestrictions to filter by multiple countries
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