Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
I guess the the issue is still open as the OnMarkerClickListener responds to click way outside the Marker.
I am using the following while adding a "default" Marker:
//code to add Marker that uses default Marker.
Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(pos).icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_GREEN)).draggable(true));
When you are in the app, the clickable area for the Marker is more wider than the actual default marker. I want the clickable area to be quite the same size of the default marker and not cover way outside of the marker.
I can even click outside the marker and the OnMarkerClickListener gets fired!
Please advise on the behavior for the clickable area for the Marker. Currently, I can click outside the marker and the OnMarkerClickListener gets fired!
Thank you.
I am using the following while adding a "default" Marker:
//code to add Marker that uses default Marker.
Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(pos).icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_GREEN)).draggable(true));
When you are in the app, the clickable area for the Marker is more wider than the actual default marker. I want the clickable area to be quite the same size of the default marker and not cover way outside of the marker.
I can even click outside the marker and the OnMarkerClickListener gets fired!
Please advise on the behavior for the clickable area for the Marker. Currently, I can click outside the marker and the OnMarkerClickListener gets fired!
Thank you. <> #3
Just checked that for default Marker icon and yes, you can get a click outside of png, which is 24x41dp. I would expect this to be a correct behaviour, because such region is too small to be clicked by someone with big fingers. Design guides say clickable areas should be 48x48dp (or at least 32x32dp). Think of user experience.
The bug was originally reported for custom Marker icons, whose size was much bigger than default Marker, but you could not click the top or far left/right parts of it.
I suggest posting a separate issue for your case if you think it is important. The region seem to be a bit too wide, but it doesn't feel bad IMHO.
The bug was originally reported for custom Marker icons, whose size was much bigger than default Marker, but you could not click the top or far left/right parts of it.
I suggest posting a separate issue for your case if you think it is important. The region seem to be a bit too wide, but it doesn't feel bad IMHO. <> #4
I have opened a case 5876. Our users have reported that the area is too wide and it would be good to control the Marker Clickable Area. BTW I am not using any custom bitmap and it is the default icon being used.
Thank you for your quick response. Hope we get an API call that will facilitate to adjust the marker clickable area :-)
Thank you for your quick response. Hope we get an API call that will facilitate to adjust the marker clickable area :-)
-Muthu <> #5
Is this issue has been fixed already? I'm experiencing same issue in IE. The clickable region in marker custom icon is way on top of the marker. <> #6
Still i am experiencing this issue in google map v2.Please provide a solution to clear out from this problem.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
Is there any solution for this? i am facing same problem still in latest library. <> #8
[Comment deleted] <> #9
Is there a solution for this yet? Still struggling with a clickable area that is way bigger than the icon- even for a person with large fingers, it is still way too big. Using google map v2 <> #10
Same problem, somebody has a solution ???
The click area is larger than the marker icon displayed, so when 2 markers are next to, click on one displays info window of the other !!
The click area is larger than the marker icon displayed, so when 2 markers are next to, click on one displays info window of the other !!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #12
Still has the issue, please reopen this one.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #13
Have same problem, reopen it please. <> #14
It's not fixed. <> #15
please reopen this issue <> #16
This is not fixed! Touching outside of a marker causes the marker to be touched !
Truly disappointing UX for users !
Truly disappointing UX for users ! <> #17
It's not fixed in 11.2.0 <> #18
Is there any update on this issue? Any control to change the marker click area or pass the click with correct latlng values to onMapClick method? <> #19
(sorry bit out of topic, but can't delete)
I see similar issue occuring in Javascript maps if I call setIcon on the marker with ' '. It has a rect area (even more than the image) clickable that shows different cursor (hand) on hover, instead of crosshair one and doesn't allow one to click to add marker, instead it selects that marker.
If I do nothing (or do setIcon() which returns to the default marker), the clickable area isn't an issue anymore (I try to click & place markers very close to each other to define some contour in an educational app where you measure elevations of points on a path)
It could be an event processing order issue or related to reference of a png (maybe the default marker is vector-based?) . With the mouse I'd expect to only select a marker when I click on its graphics, not on transparent area (on map) and thus be able to place markers very close to each other (after that I can zoom to see them more apart if I need to do so)
I see similar issue occuring in Javascript maps if I call setIcon on the marker with '
If I do nothing (or do setIcon() which returns to the default marker), the clickable area isn't an issue anymore (I try to click & place markers very close to each other to define some contour in an educational app where you measure elevations of points on a path)
It could be an event processing order issue or related to reference of a png (maybe the default marker is vector-based?) . With the mouse I'd expect to only select a marker when I click on its graphics, not on transparent area (on map) and thus be able to place markers very close to each other (after that I can zoom to see them more apart if I need to do so) <> #20
Area near the marker is not clickable, why extra space is given to marker, should be provide some option to increase or decrease his outside area, if user need to click near the marker then, google team have to check this issue in android, in ios it is quite working, Hey google if you are checking please check on this. <> #21
Duplicate of 35823783 from 2018 but still not fixed?? <> #22
Still not fixed, Overlapping or close pois are creating problems.
demonstration page if at all possible, or attach code.
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