Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Python 3 support for the SDK would be sufficient for me, but doesn't hurt to have it
otherwise as well.
otherwise as well. <> #3
Being new to Appengine, I don't want to learn the 2.xx line of Python with the new
available. If I am going to learn a new language (which I am happy about) I want to
learn the latest version.
available. If I am going to learn a new language (which I am happy about) I want to
learn the latest version. <> #4
I would like to be able to use FloatProperty in in the datastore. This does not
appear to be supported by Python 2.5.
I'm not sure if it is supported by 2.6. I'm in the process of moving to 3.0, so I
would like to see FloatProperty work with that.
appear to be supported by Python 2.5.
I'm not sure if it is supported by 2.6. I'm in the process of moving to 3.0, so I
would like to see FloatProperty work with that. <> #5
Like Comment #4 I'm new to both python and app engine. I'd rather learn the newest
variation of python while I'm learning app engine.
variation of python while I'm learning app engine. <> #7
same here!! being new to both Appengine and Python, i did not want to learn 2.xx
version... I do not want to invest time in something that is not going to be in use
in future.
version... I do not want to invest time in something that is not going to be in use
in future. <> #8
python3 is more pure than 2, i want see gae support it. <> #9
Would love to know if and when. Another newbie to both wanting to know where to
invest time.
invest time. <> #10
I can't justify investing in a dead-end version of Python. I will not investigate
GAE further until it supports Python 3.0. GAE is the best approach for my project,
but implementing 'backwards' is not an option.
Thanks in advance for expediting Python 3 support.
GAE further until it supports Python 3.0. GAE is the best approach for my project,
but implementing 'backwards' is not an option.
Thanks in advance for expediting Python 3 support. <> #11
Python 3, with the enhancements in the libraries and most important of all for the web, the fix to the Unicode
mess, would be a better fit for the app engine.
mess, would be a better fit for the app engine. <> #12
yep python 3 is a must! <> #13
I noticed several mentions of Python 3 being somehow better, less-dead end, or better
to learn for a novice then Python 2.x. There are obviously differences between the
languages but Python 2.x is going to be the dominant implementation of Python used in
most projects for at least another year and a half.
I would also like to see 3.x support, but it really shouldn't be a priority above the
2.x framework changes that still need to be made to the App Engine. Keep in mind that
GAE is a huge project and changing from 2.x to 3.x is difficult enough for a single
python file, imagine having to make the changes for an entire code base. Novices, you
will see Python 2.x if you plan to be developing before 2012, so I'd recommend
learning Python 2.x as well, in fact, learning it first.
Though there are 3.x features I have to admit I miss, and since it's 2.5 instead of
2.6, the future imports aren't an option. A 2.6 upgrade at minimum might be nice.
to learn for a novice then Python 2.x. There are obviously differences between the
languages but Python 2.x is going to be the dominant implementation of Python used in
most projects for at least another year and a half.
I would also like to see 3.x support, but it really shouldn't be a priority above the
2.x framework changes that still need to be made to the App Engine. Keep in mind that
GAE is a huge project and changing from 2.x to 3.x is difficult enough for a single
python file, imagine having to make the changes for an entire code base. Novices, you
will see Python 2.x if you plan to be developing before 2012, so I'd recommend
learning Python 2.x as well, in fact, learning it first.
Though there are 3.x features I have to admit I miss, and since it's 2.5 instead of
2.6, the future imports aren't an option. A 2.6 upgrade at minimum might be nice. <> #14
I'm most interested in the Unicode changes that bring a clarity and consistency which seems even more relevant
on the web.
on the web. <> #15
I want to see GAE support python3, but maybe it needs some time. <> #16
I agree with dylnuge.
Although I really really want GAE to support python3, I'm affraid it will too
difficult to be done in a year at least.
So, the best strategy for me is to start with python2.5 and make things as simple as
When python3 is supported someday, it will be time for me to redesign my app. I love
redesigning. But how about data migration?
Although I really really want GAE to support python3, I'm affraid it will too
difficult to be done in a year at least.
So, the best strategy for me is to start with python2.5 and make things as simple as
When python3 is supported someday, it will be time for me to redesign my app. I love
redesigning. But how about data migration? <> #17
ok, plz suport python 3.x <> #18
ok, plz support python 3.x <> #19
yes, Python 3 support is badly needed. <> #20
py3 support is good for newers! <> #21
+1 for python 3. With both django and App Engine lagging behind on python support, we
are in a standstill. Someone has to make the first move! You've got to do it sooner
or later!
are in a standstill. Someone has to make the first move! You've got to do it sooner
or later! <> #22
I'm want to GAE support python 3.x(>=1) too. <> #23
I'm want to GAE support python 3.x too <> #24
Please support python 3.x on GAE <> #27
Please support python 3.x on GAE
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #28
I support this issue. However, I want to receive emails on Google Code things I've
starred. This topic has far too many supporters and I just get more emails than I
want to receive. I still support this issue, but the only way to reduce all the
comments from other people who support it (without reducing emails from every other
starred subject) is to unstar it and thus officially unsupport it, even though I
really do actually support this.
starred. This topic has far too many supporters and I just get more emails than I
want to receive. I still support this issue, but the only way to reduce all the
comments from other people who support it (without reducing emails from every other
starred subject) is to unstar it and thus officially unsupport it, even though I
really do actually support this. <> #29
add a filter to catch this and huck it into a folder marked as a read
here's a subject line to look for
here's a subject line to look for <> #30
It is incredibly frustrating to read blog posts like this one:
Reading how Unladen Swallow's optimizations and (to a lesser degree) Antoine's GIL
work will only be merged into Py3K as a carrot to encourage people to migrate is so
frustrating because my main use of python is with GAE. And we're stuck on 2.5 with
no visible indication of a 3.1 option coming anytime soon.
It is incredibly frustrating to read blog posts like this one:
Reading how Unladen Swallow's optimizations and (to a lesser degree) Antoine's GIL
work will only be merged into Py3K as a carrot to encourage people to migrate is so
frustrating because my main use of python is with GAE. And we're stuck on 2.5 with
no visible indication of a 3.1 option coming anytime soon. <> #31
Python 3k is still no the main stream version, 2.4-2.6 is what the people are using in
the industry and Python 3k is just not ready enough. Most of the packages, framework
does not support 3k version and not going for 1-2 more years. Actually if you know 2.X
there is not much difference in 3.X (I am not talking about inner differences of
implementation). Google should and will stick with the Python 2.X branch for quite a
long time. If you would go to Python channel on efnet (I think) it's even written in
the topic that Python 3k is just not ready. The problem is with Python developers who
too often want to make changes to the syntax. Moving everything takes years.
the industry and Python 3k is just not ready enough. Most of the packages, framework
does not support 3k version and not going for 1-2 more years. Actually if you know 2.X
there is not much difference in 3.X (I am not talking about inner differences of
implementation). Google should and will stick with the Python 2.X branch for quite a
long time. If you would go to Python channel on efnet (I think) it's even written in
the topic that Python 3k is just not ready. The problem is with Python developers who
too often want to make changes to the syntax. Moving everything takes years. <> #32
Nobody is requesting or suggesting moving GAE to py 3.x INSTEAD of 2.5. The
speculation is that Google would use the app.yaml runtime specification to pick which
runtime (python or python3) to use. In light of the current runtime not going away,
your comments have no bearing on the almost 1000 people here who want to use python 3.1
on App Engine.
Nobody is requesting or suggesting moving GAE to py 3.x INSTEAD of 2.5. The
speculation is that Google would use the app.yaml runtime specification to pick which
runtime (python or python3) to use. In light of the current runtime not going away,
your comments have no bearing on the almost 1000 people here who want to use python 3.1
on App Engine. <> #33
I’d also like to point out the flaw in your logic:
"Most of the packages, framework
does not support 3k version and not going for 1-2 more years.”
Oh, you mean like GAE ? You know, it takes adding the support to add the support eh.. And as Stephen pointed
out, I’m sure no one is saying 2.x support should be dropped.
I’d also like to point out the flaw in your logic:
"Most of the packages, framework
does not support 3k version and not going for 1-2 more years.”
Oh, you mean like GAE ? You know, it takes adding the support to add the support eh.. And as Stephen pointed
out, I’m sure no one is saying 2.x support should be dropped.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #34
A separate Python 3 runtime would be great. The language is nicer, new code wouldn't need to be upgraded
later (2to3), and it would be better for newbies since there are a number of Python 3 books available. The lack
of Python 3 support has been a significant deterrent in my wanting to learn App Engine these past 2 years, but
I am coming to realize that reworking datastore code for massive scale (SQL -> NoSQL) is a more significant
I'm hoping PEP 385 helps make supporting multiple Python runtimes more feasible, as Mercurial should make
it easier to maintain the GAE-sandboxed branches of Python. @Stephen, I think PEP 3146 for merging Unladen
Swallow is still a ways off, but hopefully that will give the App Engine team another good reason to support
Python 3.
later (2to3), and it would be better for newbies since there are a number of Python 3 books available. The lack
of Python 3 support has been a significant deterrent in my wanting to learn App Engine these past 2 years, but
I am coming to realize that reworking datastore code for massive scale (SQL -> NoSQL) is a more significant
I'm hoping PEP 385 helps make supporting multiple Python runtimes more feasible, as Mercurial should make
it easier to maintain the GAE-sandboxed branches of Python. @Stephen, I think PEP 3146 for merging Unladen
Swallow is still a ways off, but hopefully that will give the App Engine team another good reason to support
Python 3. <> #35
Please add Python 3.x support already. Us, kids at school who are starting off with
Python want to do it with 3.x rather than 2.x and GAE would be the best place for us to
start. Stephen's suggestion (app.yaml choosing wither 2.x or 3.x) is the best efficient
solution I believe.
Python want to do it with 3.x rather than 2.x and GAE would be the best place for us to
start. Stephen's suggestion (app.yaml choosing wither 2.x or 3.x) is the best efficient
solution I believe. <> #36
Please read what someone from the google team said on the "Please add Python 2.6
support" issue, they say there all the reasons why they don't support newer python
than 2.5 yet and that they are planning on having support for newer versions of
python, but they are focusing on other things.
I suggest for everyone to go with python 2.5 for now, learning to adjust to a newer
language is part of the learning curve for new programmers.
support" issue, they say there all the reasons why they don't support newer python
than 2.5 yet and that they are planning on having support for newer versions of
python, but they are focusing on other things.
I suggest for everyone to go with python 2.5 for now, learning to adjust to a newer
language is part of the learning curve for new programmers. <> #37
I'm want to GAE support python 3.x <> #38
If I put forth the kind of effort to learn any language like I am with Python. I am
not going to waste my time with old versions. I mean its like using PHP4 when PHP5
has long since replaced it, makes no sense. I do want GAE to support python 3.x.
not going to waste my time with old versions. I mean its like using PHP4 when PHP5
has long since replaced it, makes no sense. I do want GAE to support python 3.x. <> #39
Dear members,
The comments section is not for voicing petition. You already have the star for that. Mark it and wait for response for developers.
Star it.
As to why there is still no support for newer Python versions:
1. The versions greatly differ from one to another (even 2.5->2.6 is quite significant).
2. The 2.5 python version cannot be rendered obsolete until all python GAE users migrate to newer version.
3. That means, another GAE version would need to be maintained in parallel to the 2.5 python version.
4. That would require more manwork for both development and maintenance. You might think that since Google is a big enterprise, manwork is no hurdle. But that notion is a misunderstanding.
Point no. 4 is applicable to other language addition request ("please add PHP, Perl, Ruby, C#, etc."), although Google's own development vision might also be in play (preferring Python over PHP/Perl etc.).
The comments section is not for voicing petition. You already have the star for that. Mark it and wait for response for developers.
Star it.
As to why there is still no support for newer Python versions:
1. The versions greatly differ from one to another (even 2.5->2.6 is quite significant).
2. The 2.5 python version cannot be rendered obsolete until all python GAE users migrate to newer version.
3. That means, another GAE version would need to be maintained in parallel to the 2.5 python version.
4. That would require more manwork for both development and maintenance. You might think that since Google is a big enterprise, manwork is no hurdle. But that notion is a misunderstanding.
Point no. 4 is applicable to other language addition request ("please add PHP, Perl, Ruby, C#, etc."), although Google's own development vision might also be in play (preferring Python over PHP/Perl etc.). <> #40
Hear hear @syockit.
GAE is struggling to maintain the core product atm. Focus on datastore latency before considering feature enhancements.
GAE is struggling to maintain the core product atm. Focus on datastore latency before considering feature enhancements. <> #41
By now, I need Python 2.6+
also, I want Python 3.x for new projects
also, I want Python 3.x for new projects <> #42
@syockit wrote
"2. The 2.5 python version cannot be rendered obsolete until all python GAE users migrate to newer version."
=> Why would they upgrade if
1) nothing encourages them to do so, and
2) they can't use anything other than 2.5
@syockit wrote
"4. That would require more manwork for both development and maintenance. You might think that since Google is a big enterprise, manwork is no hurdle. But that notion is a misunderstanding."
=> I agree: doubling the number of people on a project doesn't make it go twice as fast. Far from it.
"2. The 2.5 python version cannot be rendered obsolete until all python GAE users migrate to newer version."
=> Why would they upgrade if
1) nothing encourages them to do so, and
2) they can't use anything other than 2.5
@syockit wrote
"4. That would require more manwork for both development and maintenance. You might think that since Google is a big enterprise, manwork is no hurdle. But that notion is a misunderstanding."
=> I agree: doubling the number of people on a project doesn't make it go twice as fast. Far from it. <> #43
I'd like google app engine to support python 3 too.
Think about that if you upgrade to python 3 you won't need to upgrade anymore until python 4 is released (lot of time I think)!
Think about that if you upgrade to python 3 you won't need to upgrade anymore until python 4 is released (lot of time I think)! <> #44
Please add support for Python 3!!!!! <> #45
The support for python 3 is absolutely necessary. There is no any developer wants to redebug twice. The 2to3 is still not good enough so far. <> #46
Actually all the points I brought forward was meant to go together. If there is GAP update for python2.6 or 3, people can upgrade. But since not all people will upgrade immediately, both legacy python2.5 version and the new python version have to be maintained.
@zippoxer, @rok.gregoric, @Apostol.Wang
You didn't read all the comments, did you?
Actually all the points I brought forward was meant to go together. If there is GAP update for python2.6 or 3, people can upgrade. But since not all people will upgrade immediately, both legacy python2.5 version and the new python version have to be maintained.
@zippoxer, @rok.gregoric, @Apostol.Wang
You didn't read all the comments, did you? <> #47
its time to update <> #48
Perhaps having Python 3 would help with the "global name 'os'" issue when using GAE:
---I am trying to use Google App Engine on Ubuntu, but get this error:
NameError: global name 'os' is not defined
I tried to follow the advice from another Ubuntu forums thread (below)
(I could not reply to that thread for some reason)
but I don't see this path in python 2.5.2 (which is what Google App Engine recommends).
(Beginner Ubuntu question: I assume I do "gksudo..."in the terminal, but then search through the python directories to open that file. I can't find that file when I search)
(Python 2.6 has 2 files with similar names but that version is not recommended by Google App Engine)
----advice from another thread:
, do the following:
1. gksudo gedit usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/UpdateManager/
2. Enter password.
3. Below the # symbols, but above everything else, add the following:
import os
import dbus
4. Close out of gEdit.
5. Try upgrading the distro again: gksu "update-manager -c" (you need the quote marks - usually, quote marks aren't added, but you need them here).
You don't have to know what the # symbols are used for (if you're curious, they are comment symbols in the programming world).
---I am trying to use Google App Engine on Ubuntu, but get this error:
NameError: global name 'os' is not defined
I tried to follow the advice from another Ubuntu forums thread (below)
(I could not reply to that thread for some reason)
but I don't see this path in python 2.5.2 (which is what Google App Engine recommends).
(Beginner Ubuntu question: I assume I do "gksudo..."in the terminal, but then search through the python directories to open that file. I can't find that file when I search)
(Python 2.6 has 2 files with similar names but that version is not recommended by Google App Engine)
----advice from another thread:
, do the following:
1. gksudo gedit usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/UpdateManager/
2. Enter password.
3. Below the # symbols, but above everything else, add the following:
import os
import dbus
4. Close out of gEdit.
5. Try upgrading the distro again: gksu "update-manager -c" (you need the quote marks - usually, quote marks aren't added, but you need them here).
You don't have to know what the # symbols are used for (if you're curious, they are comment symbols in the programming world). <> #49
Can we have atleast a Python3 SDK and/or Python 2.6 SDK guess that wont take much time <> #50
WHAT EXACTLY PEOPLE WANT FROM PYTHON 3 ? ( 394 people, whoa!! ) (I just unstarred it)
and given that wsgi and python 3 do not work well together...
and given that wsgi and python 3 do not work well together... <> #51
stagnation is regression!
;) <> #52
we whant progress.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #53
I want this, but I'd rather not get emails from further replies. Please consider me as still wanting this, but I'm going to unstar the topic.
I hope this happens someday.
I hope this happens someday. <> #54
I'm hoping for a roadmap.
2.5 is no longer easily available for windows, and when 2.7 comes out, it will likely become unsupported (policy AFAICT is "current version plus the one before it").
Assuming that Google doesn't just end-of-life GAE, eventually there'll need to be a 3.x GAE. Given that there are already 2.x GAE apps, there'll need to be simultaneous support for 2.x and 3.x.
Yes, it makes sense to delay the start of developing 3.x as long as possible, just to avoid the merges (I'm hoping they're using something change-oriented like mercurial so they're not a *total* nightmare - but it's still a time-sink).
Personally, I'm hoping a 3.x version at least gets announced as "in development", or, better yet, as a pre-alpha even with lots of missing functionality. That'd send the message that Google's not about to EoL GAE to developers like me who are honestly getting a bit doubtful.
@ patelgopal: I'm mostly interested in better unicode handling and the changes in exception handling.
2.5 is no longer easily available for windows, and when 2.7 comes out, it will likely become unsupported (policy at
Assuming that Google doesn't just end-of-life GAE, eventually there'll need to be a 3.x GAE. Given that there are already 2.x GAE apps, there'll need to be simultaneous support for 2.x and 3.x.
Yes, it makes sense to delay the start of developing 3.x as long as possible, just to avoid the merges (I'm hoping they're using something change-oriented like mercurial so they're not a *total* nightmare - but it's still a time-sink).
Personally, I'm hoping a 3.x version at least gets announced as "in development", or, better yet, as a pre-alpha even with lots of missing functionality. That'd send the message that Google's not about to EoL GAE to developers like me who are honestly getting a bit doubtful.
@ patelgopal: I'm mostly interested in better unicode handling and the changes in exception handling. <> #55
Just the unicode-issue alone makes me want a Python 3.x version of GAE.
Read Nick Johnson's very excellent post on just this at:
Read Nick Johnson's very excellent post on just this at: <> #56
That's it, I think this bug should be restricted to committers. I mean, I'm more than pretty sure that the dev team know GAE has to migrate, just adding reasons why won't make dev any faster. Star it, and shut up. <> #57
I have just begun to study python. I'd like to study the new version. <> #58
i want to develop for GAE but i will use other platforms until 3.0 is supported <> #59
Please support python 3.x <> #60
for the love of god, STAR the issue. There should never be a comment on this because it is a feature request that follows a progression support. The benefits are obvious, and have already been stated numerous times; if you agree with the feature request, STAR it and devs will know that you support this feature request, without you sending a worthless email to everyone else who starred it, like I currently am with this comment. <> #61
I would like to develop in python 3.x on appengine too. Thanks.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #62
Please, add Python 3 SDK! <> #63
I am very interested in using python 3 on GAE <> #64
3.2 is released when is it going to be supported on GAE? <> #65
it has been more than 2 years now, 3 is stable enough...
3.2 is out, must wait for 4?
3.2 is out, must wait for 4? <> #66
Seeing as how Python 2.7 just got "on deck" (GAE Roadmap),
I'm sure we'll get Python 3 support before Python 5 is released....
no worries...
I'm sure we'll get Python 3 support before Python 5 is released....
no worries... <> #67
I'm unstarring the issue to avoid the spam, but I still want this feature (and I'm probably not the only one, just the only one rude enough to do exactly what I hope others don't). Please, Google, make it so that this issue doesn't spam all 500 of us every time some <censored> thinks that a "me too" comment is better than just starring the issue. <> #68
I need Python 3, too.
The main reason is that GAE only support Python 2.5.2.
But some of the modules aren't no longer support 2.5.
They remove the old binary release from the website.
They only offer >=2.6.
And, as you know, it's really hard to compile the source on Windows.....
So please add Python 3 support, or update to Python 2.7!!!
The main reason is that GAE only support Python 2.5.2.
But some of the modules aren't no longer support 2.5.
They remove the old binary release from the website.
They only offer >=2.6.
And, as you know, it's really hard to compile the source on Windows.....
So please add Python 3 support, or update to Python 2.7!!! <> #69
I prefer to use python 3,too. <> #70
for me, it's about unicode support-- 2.x is a nightmare and I've lost 100s of hours working around unicode support in libraries. <> #71
Unicode ++ for Python 3. <> #72
my projects use python 3
2.x must die
2.x must die <> #73
for the love of god, STAR the issue. There should never be a comment on this because it is a feature request that follows a progression support. The benefits are obvious, and have already been stated numerous times; if you agree with the feature request, STAR it and devs will know that you support this feature request, without you sending a worthless email to everyone else who starred it, like I currently am with this comment. <> #74
Dude. It's called a gmail filter.
Btw I would also like Python 3 support.
Btw I would also like Python 3 support.
Cheers <> #75
A lot of requests are coming from users longing for better Unicode support. My site for example will not be able to deal with unicode processing properly if Python 3 is not used. <> #76
I'm waiting for 3... Come on! <> #77
Python 3 FTW! <> #78
[Comment deleted] <> #79
Just delete this e-mail :) It's an attempt to stop useless comments.
~550 python developers are subscribed for this issue and all of them will get yet another useless e-mail every time when somebody comments on this issue.
Please don't post stuff like (unless you are developer at Google):
Me too
Python 3 FTW!
2.x must die
I prefer to use python 3,too.
Because that's just annoying to get all this useless annoying whining every time when yet another one Python developer discovers that there's no Python 3 support yet in Google App Engine.
Developers at Google are working on this (just look at Google App Engine roadmap). I guess they will implement Python 3 support when all required dependencies will be ported (or will support Python 3).
- help porting DJANGO to Python 3 (I guess it's a lot of work)
- help porting WEBOB to Python 3
- help porting any other App Engine dependencies to Python 3
- just do not post useless comments and wait.
~550 python developers are subscribed for this issue and all of them will get yet another useless e-mail every time when somebody comments on this issue.
Please don't post stuff like (unless you are developer at Google):
Me too
Python 3 FTW!
2.x must die
I prefer to use python 3,too.
Because that's just annoying to get all this useless annoying whining every time when yet another one Python developer discovers that there's no Python 3 support yet in Google App Engine.
Developers at Google are working on this (just look at Google App Engine roadmap). I guess they will implement Python 3 support when all required dependencies will be ported (or will support Python 3).
- help porting DJANGO to Python 3 (I guess it's a lot of work)
- help porting WEBOB to Python 3
- help porting any other App Engine dependencies to Python 3
- just do not post useless comments and wait.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #80
@Oleksand you are right but let me correct you . Python 3 doesn't appear on GAE roadmap . Only 2.7.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #81
At least release the GAE py3 SDK. then we can wait for the runtime evironment. <> #82
you know what.. i'm not interested anymore.. so take your time. <> #83
I'm waiting for 3... Come on! <> #85
Unfollowing this issue. I've given up on Google ever taking Python GAE seriously. <> #86
The same here. Not interested any more in GAE. Sorry about "spamming" all of you again. I think that -1 has more value that +1, Google may take it more seriously and implement it for the rest of us who was not given up and stick with GAE. <> #87
Is there any good alternatives of GAE, then? <> #88
MongoDB + celery + whatever you like wsgi environment. <> #89
Same given up on this being implemented. Given up on GAE. <> #90
[Comment deleted] <> #91
Please and please upgrade to Python 3.x <> #92
Can we at least get an ETA? <> #93
Please support python 3.x. <> #94 <> #95
Me too!
Me too! <> #96
So, where's the lock?
Ok, just stop posting.
If you have time to post useless annoying,
why don't you help porting or vote with your feet?
Ok, just stop posting.
If you have time to post useless annoying,
why don't you help porting or vote with your feet? <> #97
forget about GAE, you will never see Python 3 and Java 7. They will move their "Go" <> #98
for python3.0 <> #99
Please support python 3.x. <> #100
One more vote for Python 3. What is the problem? Why not? <> #101
I would also interest with Python 3 for GAE <> #102
1 Python 3.x for me please! <> #103
Closing the comments on this feature request. <> #104
Hello! I'm a Product Manager on the App Engine team and I have news to share: we're actively working on Python 3.
If you're interested in being an alpha tester for this new runtime, please complete this sign-up form:
If you're interested in being an alpha tester for this new runtime, please complete this sign-up form: <> #106
And... we're live! Python 3 is now available (finally!) on the App Engine standard environment:
It took a long time to get us here and we've got a lot more work to do. I'm excited to see what you can build with this new runtime. Marking this bug as "Fixed"! :)
It took a long time to get us here and we've got a lot more work to do. I'm excited to see what you can build with this new runtime. Marking this bug as "Fixed"! :)