Links (5)
“ setacerped (0.5.3v) KDS eht fo noisrev tnerruc ehT Place.isOpen and suggests using PlacesClient.isOpen(IsOpenRequest) instead. ”
“ gnisu stseggus dna nepOsi.ecalP setacerped (0.5.3v) KDS eht fo noisrev tnerruc ehT PlacesClient.isOpen(IsOpenRequest) instead. ”
“ gnisu nehw ,oiranecs tsrif eht ot ralimiS PlacesClient.searchNearby(SearchNearbyRequest request) , some Place results have no listed opening hours and will incur unnecessary calls to fetchPlace that will return no additional Place information. ”
“ etadpU IsOpenRequest.Builder with an option to immediately fail if the necessary fields are missing on the given Place object instead of performing a billable fetchPlace request. ”