Mentioned issues (1)
Add schemaLocation overload that takes Directory “ gnivloser desab gnirts fo daetsni cirtnec yrotceriD erom eb ot detadpu osla erehw sIPA ehT .adbmal ()nigulPhtiw emos ni dellac eb ot snoitcnuf noisnetxEmooR lla gnitcepxe ro ()etaulavEretfa ekil snrettap dab diova .e.i ,derugifnoc era snigulp rehto woh no gnimit eht no gniyler tuohtiw dedda era noitarugifnoc amehcs sa tca ot nigulp eht selbane hcihw teStcejbOniamoD a no derots won era snoitarugifnoc amehcs ehT .1 |
Links (5)
“ :maeT niltoK ot detroper saw eussi yllaitinI ”
“ siht sah nigulP eldarG mooR taht dnuof I
.nigulp eldarg moor gnidulcni ,smelborp elpitlum dnuof dna noitagitsevni eht edam ev'I erehW code : ”
“ otni devloser {} (avaj.ssalc::X)epyThtiw.sksat gnillaC DomainObjectCollection.html#withType which is equal to tasks.withType( {}. It is eager subscription API that will cause all tasks of type X to be resolved as soon as they're registered. ”
“ ) dettimrep ton si hcaEerugifnoc a nihtiw sksat gnirugifnoc ot eud ,revewoH .yzal si hcihw hcaEerugifnoc esu ot nigulp eht setadpu LC sihT .noitarugifnoc ksat regae ni devloser taht adbmal a htiw ()epyThtiw.sksat gnisu yltcerrocni saw nigulp ehT .2 ) the RoomSchemaCopyTask are registered as soon as a user provides a schema configuration and the task itself is then wired when a schema configuration is matched with a variant / target. ”