Status Update
Comments <> #2
Please put together a simplified reproduction case, and put it up as a project on your choice of git hosting providers (e.g. github, bitbucket, etc)? The easiest way to do this might be to fork the Google Maps Android API Samples Repository and modify one of the existing demo activities:
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********************************************************* <> #3
I'm not the OP, but I created a new project with the Google Maps Activity template and changed nothing in the project except added an API key. When it launches, it shows a marker in Sydney, Australia. If I click directly to the right of the marker, the infowindow shows. Now I can click a little farther to the right, and the window remains open. If I do this gradually, I can make it all the way to the edge of the screen without the infowindow closing. This is particularly problematic when you have several markers in close proximity.
For reference, I have tested this on a Samsung S6 phone (API 23) and a Nexus 7 on the emulator (APIs 23 and 25). Using Google Play Services Maps 10.2.1.
For reference, I have tested this on a Samsung S6 phone (API 23) and a Nexus 7 on the emulator (APIs 23 and 25). Using Google Play Services Maps 10.2.1.
2/ Add two markers close to each other and add a event to display on info on the marker or to toast a message when you click a marker
3/ Zoom to see the marker close to each other
The click area of the marker is larger than the marker icon displayed, so when I click on one marker, the display info window of the other is shown !!
Why this area is so big ? It's a default behavior ? I check on my smartphone google maps v3 for web and there is no problem !
It's a really problem for my app.
Thank you,